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Robert Hansen

81 subscriptores
0 visualizaciones

Información sobre Robert Hansen

This channel is finally being developed after years of not doing anything. I remember some of the videos I uploaded back in 2008. I nearly forgot about them over the years and thought they were lost. They have been found and I noticed that a few of them have had several hundred views. I am amazed at this. I will upload some content here that might be of some interest to some people. I want to thank the 4 subscribers to my channel. Now you will see stuff that I added in the last 24 hours or so. I know that my vids might be silly in nature. Some of them were done when I was silly. I will leave them here for the world to see. Happy watching. I keep adding videos to this channel. I know some of the content is pretty silly and strange, but it's just spontaneous uploads. I like doing it because I think it's fun and it shows people that we can just have a little fun. So enjoy my videos and subscribe to my channel. Hopefully you'll find something that you like here. Enjoy my channel.

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