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DL Kennedy

533 subscribers

About DL Kennedy

When God gave me new life, I hated Christians, hated the Bible, hated people. I was angry, violent, suicidal, addicted, into the occult, and profane. I comforted myself with the fact that someday the sun would go supernova and everyone would die. No one who knew me believed I would ever be a Christian - as in my youth. I mocked Christians and the Bible. After Jesus knocked me to my knees, I loved Christians, the Bible, people, and was no longer addicted. People who knew me were asking what happened to DL? Have you seen her angry? Have you heard her cuss? My viewing habits changed. The music I listened to changed. Things I'd loved before, I hated. I couldn't wait to get up in the morning and read the Bible. I couldn't sleep at night because I only wanted to pray. I was praying all day and couldn't get enough Christian teaching. Jesus changed everything about me and my life. I told everyone what had happened. I've been telling them since 1999. I'd be dead now if it hadn't been for Jesus.

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