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Century's Transformation

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Información sobre Century's Transformation

I started this channel as a way to get past fitness & learning plateaus for my interests. Since I've gotten older, newer skills definitely aren't acquired quite as easily as when I was in my teens/20s. However, even after becoming a father I've never slowed down in my pursuit of interests that are more lifelong passion projects. Some of my favorite things, I want to try and see where I can improve upon, take up new skills, and figure out where that learning plateau hits and how I can move past it to get to the next level. The topics may evolve, but my love of martial arts, rock music, fitness, foreign language are always expanding.

I practiced Taekwondo for 15+ years, but 2016 made the switch to Okinawan Karate which took me into a different direction in my learning and interests, and led me to begin traveling to Japan as frequently as possible.

Also, for fun I like to post concert footage, music & language analysis!

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