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James Reedy

12 subscribers

About James Reedy

Well Hello my minions of the night.... no wait wrong speech, Uhem.. Hi my fellow youtubers. Its me DarkZidane, I love to play games on my Xbox360, Halo2 is one of my all time fav games, I still play as much as I can, so as to keep up my "Skillz" for when HALO 3 comes this september 5days before my birthday, YAY, well I will be uploading many kinds of videos, including but not limited to: films of my HALO2 games, videos of storms in my area, a few vlogs and maybe a rant or two, and maybe a funny skit or two in the near future, as well as amvs I may start making and whatever else my horrificly EVIL mind can spit out. So subscribe If you dare, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,
I mean thanks for reading and looking at my page thingy.

GAME ON !!!!!!!

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