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Dario's Comic School / HOW TO MAKE COMICS

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Dario's Comic School / HOW TO MAKE COMICSの説明

I was Born in 1985 in Göppingen, Germany.
I loved Drawing Dinosaurs, and I had Always a crush on the cutest Girl.
My Italian cousin in introduced me 1996 to
X - Men, Age of Apocalipse, Sin City. Dylan Dog, Nathan Never, Akira, L'Eternauta.
I was hooked! I knew I wanted to make Comics!

Nurtured by 80's and 90's Comics, Movies, TV-Shows, Games
and Backed up with the Bachelor of Arts Degree, which he graduated from Merz Akademie Stuttgart in 2013, he was ready to ROCK!
During and short after study he started working the Movie Industry, Animated Movies and enjoyed it,...
But he felt a that growing passion for making Comics - and started "Barbarian Adventure" and other Series.
By Day he worked as an directors Assistant in the Animated Movie
Industry and by night he was drawing Comics.

BUT NOW the time is right to make his Dream REAL,
and go ALL IN.


And IF YOU WANT to Make Comics too,
I teach you everything I know,
so I can enjoy what you make!

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