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Brelsford Family Homestead

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Brelsford Family Homesteadの説明

Our homestead journey started in 2017 when he bought our current property. We had dreams to be free to do things like have chickens & garden which were not allowed in our HOA neighborhood. Little by little we have added more animals, bigger gardens and tried a lot of different things. Some were successes, some not so much. Joe works full time off the homestead while Darcy is on the homestead full time raising & homeschooling our kids, preserving the food we grow/raise as well as bulk produce sourced locally. Darcy also does the majority of the Youtube and other social media content creation. We are Christians, we love Jesus! We desire to steward well all that He has given us, our lives, our family, this beautiful property and the animals we have. We hope to inspire others to try new things and enjoy their journey as we are on Our Journey Home. For inquiries email us at [email protected]

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