Golden Gate Timelapse

Publicado 2023-06-12
Courtesy of a new intervalometer that I purchased for my camera, I decided to try out some timelapse imagery. And what would be the best place to show it off, if not the Golden Gate Bridge. With its fast-moving, heavy, Saturday-night traffic and some constrasting colors, I figured it would be the best place to take a dip into time-lapsing. Yes, this was not a video that I shot, but rather 400 individual images that I then stitched up to form a 25s long time-lapse video, providing a 1:30 time compaction of the scenery. The spot I chose was on exactly on the line connecting the two supporting towers of the Golden Gate Bridge. What would have made this nicer would be some fog blowing across the bridge adding more dynamism into the video. Sadly, today was a fog free day. I am still trying to figure out details of time-lapsing, as it is harder than it looks, and it involves a lot of patience and waiting around... Expect more of these in the coming months. Technical details 400 images 1.6s shutter speed F5 aperture ISO 400 Stitched using Windows movie maker. Apologies if the titles/credits are a bit jerky and if the audio is pretty low - this was my first time playing around with the tool. It may not be as good as Quicktime pro, but it is free!. Soundtrack: Songbird by Ian Ritchie. Do view it on HD. San Francisco CA USA

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