Loss of Community

Published 2008-05-17

*Daily feature wow! Thanks everyone who gave positive review for my movie, especially those who appreciated its message. *

Only had 3 days to finish this for my English class.

Here's the synopsis with information on the literature references made in the movie:

My movie is based on my interpretation of the Modernism tenet of "Loss of Community." The setting is an imaginary world of, literally, living colors. Each Color has the power to conjure any object they desire, but they can only create things that will have their single tint.
The story starts off with an introduction to this world, and then opens up to the main character, Max Red. The color red itself is supposed to be an allusion to the very humane communist party of Native Son, while the name Max is taken directly from the lawyer who defends Bigger in the book. Max is an artist, and decides to paint on a canvas. However, realizing that he is restricted to only using red, he decides it would be a good idea if all the colors came together and created a multi-color work of art. This integration of colors is parallel to the integration of race that was so ardently fought for by Max in Native Son.
Things turn out bad for Max when he tries to recruit other colors to collaborate with him on a new masterpiece. Orange completely shuts Max out, and green (which equals greed or money) converts Max's flyers into paper money, and then robs it all. Yellow simply confuses Max by turning into a cloud and disappearing, referencing the yellow cloud of Prufrock's Love Song. The Cloud in both the poem and my movie are confusing.
Hopes go up when Bob Blue agrees to help Max with his art, but Bob is just a mischievous character who later decides to draw a moustache on Max's portrait. Peter Purple isn't any better. Being the recluse he is, Peter quickly erects a large wall when he sees Max coming near him. The wall reads on the other side: "Good fences make good neighbors", an ironic statement pulled directly from Robert Frost's Mending Wall.
Mr. Blackanan becomes Max's last hope. Blackanan is an allusion to The Great Gatsby's Tom Buchanan, possessing the same sinister personality. Blackanan is immediately impatient and unwilling to work with Max and uses his dark powers to violently get him away. Blackanan also causes Max to lose his cool, and get himself destroyed, just as Tom Buchanan lead the way to Gatby's demise.
Max explodes out of frustration after his efforts were exerted in vain, and all the colors gather to see the site. Blue exclaims, after seeing some of Max's red color splatter on the wall: "He is a hot jet of life that spattered itself in futility against a cold wall." This is a quote from Native Son, describing Max perfectly: He exuberantly tried to do something revolutionary in his life, but ended up fruitless and "spattered" (literally).
The movie ends with all the colors getting into an argument, showing no progress in their community at all since the beginning of the movie.
The Colors were all uncooperative, awkward, and just plain mean. They definitely did not represent a correctly functioning community, which would have had a stronger sense of solidarity and camaraderie between the members. These colors did, however, represent the loss of community in their world.