First you think the thing...

Published 2021-06-11

-EDIT 12-6-2021- No way WHAT???? DAILY 4TH PLACE?????!!!!!!!!! No words can describe how speechless I am right now, fr thanks a lot you guys. This is my first time ever getting an award on a solo project, not to mention it’s my highest award yet! Thanks again y’all, I’m really grateful to have an award after years of wanting it.

It’s about time I returned with a new animation after nearly a year. Just thought I’d make something short and sweet after my absence.

Welp, this is an animation I made of that Thomas Sanders video, also my second Flash animation on Newgrounds (excluding collabs). That’s all I can really describe it as. I think this is actually my best animation so far, so I can’t really call this an excuse simply just to make a comeback. This little short took a good 3 weeks to make (yes I’m slow), and I’m actually really happy with the end result.

Here’s a list of some of the things I’m most proud of in this animation:

  • The light bulb
  • Most of the frame by frame animation
  • The back view of Steve’s hood when he’s back to “doing the thing”
  • The Flash and YouTube menus (yes I made them by hand)
  • The keyboard shot
  • The facial expressions at the insecurity part

A few other fun facts:

  • I only shape tweened 2 things in this animation, those 2 things being the shadow when Steve’s about to click Enter and the vignette at 0:15.
  • At the shot where Steve’s “procrastinating,” I traced the PS4 controller he’s playing with using a picture of my PS4 controller.

Oh yeah, video by Thomas Sanders on TikTok, again.

Oh yeah oh yeah, he also has a YouTube channel if you still want more out of him.

I love getting reviews on all the stuff I upload here so if you could take a few minutes to give me some feedback that’d be awesome! And yeah, now that everything’s said and done, enjoy the cartoon!