Succor Forlorn Official Film Trailer

Published 2022-04-28

Unbelievably amazing! I submitted my film to a few Festivals, then the next thing I knew, I got scouted on Twitter for 3 days! AND I WON!


I had to make an Official Movie Poster, and cut a Film Trailer.  

I'm now an Official Selection for "Best Experimental Short Film" at The Hollywood Blvd Film Festival and The Medusa Film festival!  

Utterly crazy! My phone, and Twitter, having been blowing up for a few days now!        

This film was almost entirely destroyed & lost forever by hacker terrorists & a deadly Pandemic! You CAN'T EVEN MAKE THIS STUFF UP!    

So, anyways, these nice folks on Twitter at the festivals saw that I was submitting my film, and persuaded me to submit to their festivals. I woke up this morning, and it was an emotional day!    

I'm currently enrolled in 15 other festivals which are currently on a pending status, and many other Festivals were wanting me, but I had to kind of stop submitting to festivals, because it was so overwhelming, and I still keep getting asked.  

My Film: