Tiny World: The Musical:

Published 2012-04-29

This game was made as a Part of Ludum Dare 23. Game Link: http://www.ludumdare.com/
compo/ludum-dare-23/?acti on=preview&uid=2440

Tiny World: The Musical: The Game is an attempt by myself (Paul Sztajer) and Angus OâEUTMSullivan, with the help of the talented Emma Lindley and Gideon M.K. (IâEUTMll get his last name right once IâEUTMve slept) to put together a game that evokes the feel of a musical within a 72 hour timespan.

Specifically, we felt that it wasnâEUTMt enough to directly involve lyrics in the gameplay: we wanted to tell the kind of stories that are told in musicals, with the same sort of tunes.

While a little rough around the edges (the time constraints were a big factor in this) we actually did it! We really didnâEUTMt get a huge amount of chances to playtest this thing, so weâEUTMd love any and all feedback you can send our way. WeâEUTMre both really excited to look into doing more projects like this, so any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.