
Publicado 2023-06-12

CluePix is a picture solving game. Draw pixel art using those 2 clues:

There's an ingame tutorial. Once a picture is solved, it is saved and reloaded on next game sessions, so no hurry, even though the game is short and might be finished in one sitting. CluePix is a proof of concept for an original puzzle game, hence the low number of pictures to solve. As such, feel free to comment on what you liked or didn't about it!

Arrow keys to move cursor
🅾️ to add/remove pixels
❎ to switch between grid and palette. Press twice to pick a grid color.

CluePix started 3 years ago in search for a puzzle solving game that felt like drawing tiny pixel art. I love how much you can put in a single 8×8 sprite, and I'm sure any of us Pico-8 worshippers do too! I also love logic puzzles with a drawing flavor in the likes of Nurikabe, Picross or even Minesweeper, but they only scratch that "pixel art" itch, not even mentioning their lack of color. They also often have issues with being solvable by pure logic, ie without any sheer luck or wild guess. CluePix tries to fill that gap.