Race to the Top

Published 2016-09-22
1. Start the game and wait for a monster to attack you. A question will appear on screen.
2. The following questions and answers are possible. Pick the answer you like and enter it into the bar exactly as it appears below.
- Q: What is the definition of "monarchy"?
A1: A type of carrot.
A2: Large, colorful feathers, particularly of a bird of prey.
A3: A type of government with a head of state.
- Q: What is the definition of "hierarchy"?
A1: A very splenetic person.
A2: A giant laptop with legs.
A3: An arrangement where people are ranked above each
- Q: What is the definition of "anarchist"?
A1: A giant donut with legs.
A2: Someone in charge of a government.
A3: Someone who causes/supports disorder from lack of
- Q: What is the definition of "archetype"?
A1: A typical example of something, or a recurring symbol.
A2: A giant cupcake with legs.
A3: Special, important, or one of a kind.
- Q: What is the definition of "animated"?
A1: Lively or excited.
A2: A special kind of postlude with lots of G sharps.
A3: A very strange person.
- Q: What is the definition of "magnanimous"?
A1: Angry or inhospitable.
A2: Very generous/forgiving, particularly towards a rival.
A3: Optimistic or prepared.
- Q: What is the definition of "inanimate"?
A1: Lifeless.
A2: Bright and bubbly.
A3: Unsure or indecisive.
- Q: What is the definition of "animosity"?
A1: A very cheerful, lively person with a lot of spirit.
A2: Orange or yellow, especially bright or bold.
A3: Hatred or hostility.
- Q: What is the definition of "animal"?
A1: A living organism that needs food to survive.
A2: A giant slice of pizza with legs.
A3: Anything that's not a human.
- Q: What is the definition of "unanimous"?
A1: Spirit, soul, or life.
A2: A giant tyranousaur with sparkly pink wings.
A3: In full agreement.
3. Keep answering questions until you reach the end-- you might get the same question twice. Once you've answered six correctly, you've won the game!