PET- Fish V1.0

Published 2010-09-17
PRESS FLAG TO START Take care of your very own fish! Feed him to stop him from getting hungry. Earn money by catching falling coins. Use money to buy more food and items for your fish tank. This is NOT the final version. Version 1.2 will come out soon. ----- HOW TO PLAY ----- Moving: Press space and your fish will move to your mouse. Each move takes up 3 hunger. ----- Navigating: Use the mouse to navigate menus, feed your fish, buy items, and equip items for your fish and tank. ----- Buying: Click store to open the store. The price of an item is displayed under the item. Click on an item to buy it. If it is a fish item then it will appear in your inventory. If it is a tank item it will be added staright to your tank. ----- Using items: Click STUFF to open your inventory. Click on wearable items to equip them, and again to unequip them. With things like potions, click once to use. They will dissapear from your inventory after one use. You can buy these types of items agin in the store once you have used them. ----- Feeding: Click on the button to feed your fish. This will cost $10 and will increase your hunger bar by 10. Don't neglect to feed or your fish could suffer the consequences... ----- Hunger and health: Your hunger starts at 100 and has a maximum of 150. When your fishes hunger gets under 50 he will turn red and start to think "Food". This is the dangerzone where you really should feed him. Once hunger gets to zero, health will start to decrease at a rate of 10 per second. When health gets to zero your fish will go grey and will sink to the bottom of the screen. A screen will then pop up saying you failed. ----- CURRENT ITEMS AVAILABLE There are currently 2 items available: ----- - Crown (Wearable) Makes you look like a king! Costs: $100. ----- - Health potion (Usable) Fully heals your health. 1 use. Costs $50 (Please note that there is no other way to heal other than this at the moment). ----- - Seaweed (Tank) A cheap but nice decoration for your tank. Costs $75. ----- EXPECT IN THE NEXT VERSION - New items. - New abilities (Superpowers?). - New challenges (Runaway sharK?). - New customizations (Color changing awesomeness?). ----- CURRENT VERSION: 1.2 -Minor bug fixes -NEW ITEM: Seaweed (Tank)