
Published 2017-09-09
I know I promised you these pictures forever ago, but now they're finally here! I'm sorry for being so busy lately. I'm trying to share a new dress up soon >w<".

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1. The Eiffel Tower | My first image edit. In the original picture, it was very grey and rainy. I changed the entire sky and a bit of the skyline. Does it look real?

2. A classic metro sign (underground train) | Not all signs look like this, which lead to us walking around aimlessly and lost for a while, until we finally found a metro home (to our hotel).

3. A dove | Look at that poise, that grace - this dove is so lovely even though the photo was a complete coincidence. (It was in the background of a way larger picture.)

4. The Jardin du Luxembourg | Since I can't speak French, I was quite surprised when what I expected to be a "chateau" (castle) actually turned out to be a garden instead. (It's pronounced somewhat similarly.) The garden of Luxembourg was a huge park with many trees, flowers, awesome fish, birds and statues. I even saw a couple get married there.

5. A statue in said garden

6. Another statue

7. A Bird | I cannot identify this animal. Can someone tell me what it is? (Some people pointed out that it could be a pukeko.)

8. A French building | I forgot the name of this building, but I think it had something to do with the law.

9. Highway rest stop | The most beautiful rest stop I ever saw. It was a miniature forest with benches, pick-nick tables and lots of chirping birds.
