PONG (v2.2.2)

Published 2019-12-20
Music used:

Title Screen: Kevin MacLeod - Pamgaea
Main Game: Kevin MacLeod - Vivacity
Stoppable Timer script: Scratch Wiki
Software/websites used for Graphics: Blender 3D, GIMP, MS Paint, Google Images

V1.0 - 9 Nov 2017
Shared project - Initial Release

V1.0.1 - 19 Dec 2017
Changed thumbnail

V1.0.2 - 21 Dec 2017
Minor changes

V1.1 - 21 Dec 2017
Title and Game Over Screen changed
The growing item appears at less random times
The power-ups no longer end before their timers go to 0

V1.1.1 - 21 Dec 2017
NEW SCORING SYSTEM! Previous one was the sum of total hits (1 pt. per hit) and time passed (1 pt. per sec.)

V1.2 - 25 Dec 2017
Merry Christmas! Made the background less distracting, and divided the hitbox by 3 so that, if you hit the ball with the left side of the racquet, the ball goes to the left, and viceversa. It's still a bit random though.

V1.2.1 - 25 Dec 2017
Fixed a glitch in where the Grows Used variable changes by more than one when more than one hitbox touches the grow power-up.

V1.2.1b - 25 Dec 2017
Minor gameplay change.

V1.2.2 - 26 Dec 2017
The Grow item now lasts 7 seconds instead of 5, and gives you 700 points instead of 500.

V1.2.3 - 26 Dec 2017
Added music for the title screen. When you press [spacebar], now this screen changes to the game screen by fading away.

V2.0 - 30 Dec 2017
Added the shop.
Added money.
Two new power-ups!
Added a retry button.

V2.0.1 - 31 Dec 2017
Racquet aspect changed. If you don't like it I will switch back to the original one.

V2.0.2 - 2 Jan 2018
New Highscore and Voting features.

V2.1 - 3 Jan 2018
New sound effects for purchasing a power-up in the shop and for the 3-2-1 countdown.
Added moving clouds and a +200 sprite for hitting the ball.
Added a message saying how to open the shop.
Reduced the amount of scripts the project has (147 to 104).

V2.1.1 - 4 Jan 2018
Smoother graphics.
Added a message saying how to move the paddle.

V2.1.1b - 4 Jan 2018
Added procedures in some scripts to reduce lag.

V2.1.1c - 4 Jan 2018
The first tutorial message now appears at the title screen instead of when starting the game.

V2.1.1d - 4 Jan 2018
Fixed the [define touching hitbox] script, so that, if the ball hits two hitboxes, it will point in direction -20° or 20°, depending of what hitboxes did it hit.

V2.1.1e - 4 Jan 2018
Fixed the bug in where the +200 thing doesn't appear.
Blurred the tutorial message costumes.

V2.1.1f - 4 Jan 2018
Removed the like and dislike thing, for two reasons:
No one seems to like or dislike my project. Maybe because that feature isn't available to new scratchers.
That feature was unnecessary, and it's like if the Scratch Team adds a dislike button on the website.

V2.1.1g - 4 Jan 2018
Fixed a glitch in where the paddle (not the hitbox) shrinks when you click the retry button.

V2.1.1h - 4 Jan 2018
When you hover over the power-up icons, the close and the retry buttons, now will grow until you stop hovering over them.

V2.1.1i - 5 Jan 2018
Glitch fix.

V2.1.1j - 5 Jan 2018
Reduced the amount of scripts slightly.

V2.1.1k - 6 Jan 2018
When you open the shop, the volume of the background music is reduced.

V2.1.1l - 7 Jan 2018
Retry button is now functional again.

V2.1.1m - 12 Jan 2018
Minor bug fix.

v2.2 - 6 Apr 2018
New visuals! From photorealistic to flat design graphics!
Added a play button on the title screen so I can play on my phone, and to fix one glitch, which could be done by pressing space-bar during gameplay.

v2.2.1 - 17 Oct 2018
Bringed back the highscore feature, which for some reason I don't know, it's broken.

v2.2.2 - 19 Oct 2018
Highscores have been reset.
Score and highscore displays can now read up to 999.999 points.