So hello again

Published 2014-05-18
Yes, I'm quitting.

Why? First of all, I'm tired of immature kids and art theft.. While I've made some great friends here, and there ARE some amazing people who use this website, the majority of the community seems to just be eight-year-olds and teenagers trying to act superior. I'm tired of it.

Other reasons: I've been going through depression for the past four months or so and the last thing I want to deal with is something that stresses me out even more. In addition, I need to focus on school work and actually furthering my life. Exams are coming up. High school gives a completely ridiculous amount of work, so between preparing for the end of the year and keeping up on assignments I have no time to be here.

That added to the fact that I barely even sign on anymore just means it's time to go. It has been for a long time now.

Thanks to those of you who care/have cared about me as a human being.
To the rest, there's not much to see here.