Scratch 3.0 Full Review & Feedback

Published 2021-05-05
• Low image quality in the display screen (only fixed partially)
• New Instructions & Notes and Credits formatting reverted back to 2.0's old formatting

Thanks for fixing these ST, it's highly appreciated

Other stuff we didn't mention in the review:
• Layer buttons now let you choose whether to move a sprite up or down any number of layers
• The sprite and sound libraries have been expanded, complete with a search function!
• Costume editor colour picker has a magnifier for easier colour choice
• Whenever I duplicate blocks and add them to the end of a script (which I do a lot) the entire script gets activated when I click, causing the project to run although I didn't mean for it to. This issue is pretty annoying

Review, scripting and animations by @Chirple & @zeldatransformed
Thumbnail by me
Thanks to @TheBurger82 for his amazing 3-eyed Scratch Cat
Special thanks to Amazon for letting Scratch use their text-to-speech engine

Fonts used (for the convenience of designers interested in this):
Younger Love, Aller Display, Rubrik SemiBold & sans serif