Warrior Cats (Female) Mary-Sue Test

Published 2014-10-10
31 loves in 4 days wut wut

This song was THE only song for this project. My dad calls it the Darth Maul theme song.
For those of you who don't know, a Mary-Sue is a female character who is so sickeningly perfect that she's boring.
This really only works for female warrior cats, though it mostly works for cats outside the Clans too. I'll make a separate one for males later. X3 I think question 13 is my favorite. It's so sarcastic.
In case you're curious, Jayspirit's a 15. Fianna's a 27--borderline. Prism's a 23--she's got silver fur and rainbow eyes, but she's definitely not a Sue. My test Sue Moonsparkle was a 67 O_O
Thank you to @TheDoctorInTime for determining that the maximum score is something like 230.
This page helped for some of the personalities: http://warriorcatsrpg.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=1a35e43c536743fffe2fe8cb8ef0937c&topic=25966.0
Surprised that you got a high Mary-Sue ranking on your moody black goth cat? Guess what--that's a kind of Mary-Sue too, and it's waaaaay overused. Change it. :3