The Unfamous | Official Trailer

Published 2020-06-10
Episode 1 has been released! You can watch it now!

---==What's The Unfamous?==---
If you don't know what this is, I am collabing with over 100 people to make a giant scratch series about a darkness that was released from it's prison. This void now wants to balance scratch by cleansing it of all the famous scratchers.
huntedskelly must put together a team of unfamous scratchers to try and fight the void
(note, this is not about separating famous and non famous scratchers, this is actually about bringing them together. Just wait for episode 6, you'll see)

Yes, there are going to be 6 episodes, and each one will be 10 minutes long. I've been animating so hard for the past 4 months, and I've now completed episodes 1-3. By animating ahead of time, you won't be left on a cliff hanger for a couple months or something :P
There should only be 2 or 3 weeks between episodes.

---==The Development==---
I came up with the Idea for The Unfamous in July of 2019. The first thing i did was in November, releasing the tryouts to get a lot of people into the collab. From December to February i assigned characters to each role, create a script, get voice lines and prepare art. On March 1st i began animating and here we are now.

Make sure to log on June 26th to watch the 1st episode! :D

@Walle10-0 with lots of help with The Unfamous. I'm doing most of the animation, but he did a few scenes, and helped with the story and the art a lot. Huge thanks to him.
@Haunted_Enderman for voicing Void
And all the other credits will be in the actual episodes, since this is just the trailer, there are no credits. But credit to all the people in The Unfamous for their OC's and voice acting! Some of them even made art, and some people not in The Unfamous helped with art, and they will also be in the credits of the episodes.