deserters updates + scratch updates!!

Published 2020-08-12
please scratch let this save
(the thumbnail had originally been for kippers birthday, which was on the 8th, however due to complications i could not release the project.)

hey guys! just thought id get out some deserters updates since you guys have been asking about the comic series.

1. is deserters cancelled? -- absolutely not! my brother and i have been taking a break from scratch because of how hard the pandemic has been. but that doesnt mean its over. as of late, we are struggling to produce and finish the series. we did not know the pandemic would hit us so hard when we planned it out, so unfortunately we can not complete issue 1 this summer. we are thinking about having some artists help us out on the panels, so if you might be willing to help us, comment below !! just recently, we cannot finish the series on our own.

1.5. im a voice actor on deseters!! what do i do? -- we still want you on our team. we're worried that we wont be able to get a hold of you when we continue work on our series, so please try to tell us if youre going to be inactive/will leave! we really dont want to lose the talent we have.

2. are you two leaving scratch? we never will! im too attached to scratch to leave because of my friends, and scratch wont let me give out my d1scx0rD to be able to contact them. however, ever since so many of my friends have left over the years, i feel so sad and alone on here. im not on it a lot, but has it gotten more popular over the months? that would mean a lot to hear its more active. so no, we're just taking a break.

3. whats up with your brother? -- terran is transitioning rn, and itd mean a lot if youd leave him kind comments instead of hate. its hard to transition. if you think you cant be nice about it because of your religion as an excuse to leave transphobic comments, thats awful. i am christian and it is fine. be nice please. we're going through a lot.

4. it was kippers birthday? -- yeah!! my oc baby boy kipper is a year old. if you guys who are in nexu squad want to write more headcanons, go ahead!!

5. your tw!tter account? -- id like to give out my tw!tter, but im scared people will go on my account and start to harass me about old drama. ive moved on, and im a little more mature now. so please dont bring up old drama. i also go by a fake name on there, so i dont want you to call me gail for privacy reasons!
