Have We Met Before? || DTAE

Published 2021-01-07
Art by me, Using firealpaca

I FREAKING LOVE THIS design by @CocoaTiger <3

Music: sonder - departure ( I kept the song because it matches the whole thing really well!! ^^)

Name: Aislyn
Gender: Female
Occupation: motocross driver
Personality: Kind, sweet, caring. She absolutely loves animals, and has a strange passion for unheard of shows. She's from Australia, and Misses the Ocean.
Best friends with Blaire (a story that is explained further in the narrative.)

Narrative || Blaire-
I Felt my eyes growing heavy as I laid underneath my weighted blanket. Today was a hard day. I could barely keep my tears in any longer... And that's when I slipped into my dreams. It felt different this time though. If felt real. I could feel everything, for the most part. I could feel the tears rolling down my face, but I didn't feel the sadness that came with them. I glanced around at the world surrounding me. It was purple, blue, green, cool tones, and extremely shiny or sparkly. I would say it was like a place from my dreams, but it was my dreams so that would make sense. That's when I saw her. Riding her dirt bike in a nearby dirt pit. She stopped her bike when she saw me, got off and introduced herself. "Hey! I'm Aislyn.. Oh my gosh are you okay?" She took a noticing to my red face and the waterfalls that had become my eyes. She sat me down, and took off her helmet. She wiped the tears from my eyes, and gave me a hug. We talked for hours. But suddenly she stood up. "I have to go. It's almost over. I'll see you tomorrow night?" She looked hopeful as she put on her helmet. I agreed but wondered why she had to go. Then jolting up in my bed I awoke to a stream of sunshine on my cheek, it was all a dream. But it felt so real, I didn't understand it. I got up out of bed and ready for the day, just waiting to see if I could meet the girl in my imagination again. That night, As I fell into a deep slumber, I saw her again. She was there. We would continue spending nights together, and I started to catch feelings for this girl in my dreams. She wasn't real, but I felt as though she was. one day, she didn't come to visit my dreams. I felt alone and scared all night. It was too long. I woke up the next day. I had been called in for an internship to work at the motocross. There was racers from all over the world attending the championships. I was sad and lonely from the night, but I tried to keep my cool. I felt like I had just lost someone, even though it was for one night. That's when I saw her. She was there, at the race track, on her bike. my heart stopped as she came and parked near me and my boss. "Hey I'm Aislyn, Have we met before?" she stopped "Because you look extremely familiar." I Couldn't believe she was there, but also she didn't know who I was. I was worried that she wasn't the same person, and wouldn't want to hang out with me, but she did. She talked to me about where she came from, and how she left her home in Australia a month ago to practice with elite Drivers in America. She was the same person I knew, and she is real. I continued to have these feelings, but I'm afraid she won't feel the same about me. Afterall, she's the girl in my dreams, who am I to her?

Conspiracy theory
Aislyn gets in a bad accident and "Passes away" But Blaire can still see her in her dreams, and so she knows that she's still alive. It goes into a thing where Blaire is trying to find Aislyn