>:((( Angy Announcement

Published 2021-01-05
uchedjendccnedhcn So sorry guys, today has been a great day for my Scratch account, but not for my drawing life. There is this STOOPID glitch on my laptop that has been wasting my time in online school AND for my drawing time. It occurs about... EVERY APPROXIMATE 2 SECONDSSSSSS! Press space to see what it looks like and press space to return back to the
a n g e r. Clicc to see the drawing of a n g e r y Doodle.

Don’t worry guys, none of this is your fault and thank you to all the people I’ve interacted with //^^//! You’ve all been a great help and encouragement, so I’m sorry to say I might have a drawing hiatus unless the glitch magically disappears tomorrow. I was planning so many entries, but I’m so sorry that this had to happen. This is more of me being angry that I can’t help you guys, not the other way round :(.

I drew this on my iPad, if you were wndering how I drew in the first place :). It was on the iPad version of SketchBook (also, I use a Windows 10 laptop to draw, so device reveallll~~~).

A n g e r y belongs to the memers :))). Glitch from my laptop.