100+ DTAE

Published 2021-01-08
Art: Me using firealpaca

ADORABLE character: @Bloo-

Song: Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes
Name: Nevaeh

Gender: Female

Age: 16 1/2

A very silly individual. She likes to say sorry- ALOT. She gets really into TV shows. She's obsessed with one called Psych. She's outright with her feelings, and she's extremely polite. She's very funny, and that makes people flock to her. She's a person who doesn't care what others think of her. She's extremely adventurous and looking for new things constantly. She enjoys going to the coffee shops with Avery, and doing photo shoots up in the mountains. She won't ever deny her feelings for things, and is outward with her expressions. She's very expressive and you always know how she's feeling.

Living in a somewhat magical place, Nevaeh has always had fun exploring the woods, and the places around her house. The landscapes are extreme, and often contain many mysteries about them. Among the humans living there, there are also some magical creatures. Nevaeh Lives with her parents in a small town below the mountain, and it's a beautiful place to live. Neveah is always late to school, and has to eat her breakfast on the bus. Everyone in the town is extremely kind, and understanding. Neveah is obsessed with dinosaurs and skating. She's not very good at it, but she still enjoys doing it. She has a fake dino tail that she wears to complete her outfit, and nobody minds. She has a extreme need to explore a bunch of different places, and she can't wait to get out of the small town and go explore the rest of the world. Recently a new kid moved into her class. The girl is named Avery. Avery moved from a tropical island to the small town and talks often about how she misses all the crazy things that would happen there. Nevaeh likes listening, and they quickly became wonderful friends. They like going and looking at all the cool landscapes. Avery likes photography, and often has Nevaeh model for her. Nevaeh is trying to teach Avery how to skateboard, but Avery enjoys skating more. They go on several walks and find interesting things. While exploring, they found a cave, that was full of gems. They had never seen this before, and thought it was interesting. But the next day, the cave was gone. They had taken gems from the cave, and those too had disappeared. Nevaeh had seen strange things, but never as strange as that. Maybe, this place was cooler than she thought.