SOFA Results!

Published 2022-09-19
1 For Fantastic Results, 2 for Funny Results, See Inside for individual notes for each entry

Arrow Keys!

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your patience! To everyone who entered my contest, thank you so much! I looked at every entry and wow, they were all amazing! I really appreciate it <3

I'm very happy with the continuous support I receive from you guys. You guys have helped me build up a lot more self confidence and happiness- couldn't have done it without you. Thank you! <3

I know I said I would only have one judge, but I wanted some help, so I asked my friend Hektor (@HehtorOCH) to help judge the entries with me, haha. Thanks for spending your precious time helping me judge these entries, Hektor! :D

For the Top 3 Winners of the two contests, please message me on my profile and link a reference of your OC! I will start on the prizes, and please understand that it will probably take a while because I am still busy with my school at the moment. I will message your individual profiles once I'm done, and will link the art. Thanks, and congrats!

SHOUTOUT TO @Top5Intros FOR THE SICK INTRO THEY MADE ( lol I never knew I would get a customized intro from this contest haha!

I've been inactive on Scratch for more than 2 weeks, and yes, it was sort of a way for me to give myself a break and judge the entries in my own time without any pressure...unfortunately, there is SOMEONE. Someone, in my house...who lives with me...who's...related to me...who entered my contest. They have been asking me everyday, every minute, about the contest and oh my gosh. I was like "OK OK I'LL DO IT" hahaha. I can be a big procrastinator, but because she's been asking and making me pinky promise her, I decided to work on it. Yeah, the results are probably late to you, but I was planning to share them wayyyy later in the future haha

#SOFA #SOFAR #results

#32 trending on explore lol ty