Element Magic

Published 2022-10-08
ok so somehow this got featured and i never knew lol

walls (press z or x)
Select an element by moving your mouse to the top left corner, with arrow keys, or with A and D, or with W or the up arrow key to choose a random element, and then click anywhere and watch the magic happen!
You can also press S to spawn scratch cats in!
Made with Pen and inspired by Elemental playground right here ---> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/562381572/
Type Zero - Death Ray
Type One- Magma
Type Two- Water
Type Three- Fire
Type Four - Snow
Type Five - Lightning
Type Six - Plants
Type Seven - Toxic sludge
Type Eight - Wind/Air
Type Nine - Light
Type Ten - Telekinesis (reccomended by @oofnuke23)
Type Eleven - Sound/ripple
Type Twelve - Code
Type Thirteen - Rocks
Type Fourteen - Hail

Music is from Tomodachi life for the Nintendo 3ds.
Also space disables music :)

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this is my most popular project

#games #art #elements #lava #magma #water #fire #ice #snow #lightning #playground #plant #sandbox #all