[preview] Mallo's Comfy Corner - PoP Shop

Published 2023-04-07
So you probably noticed I haven't made any projects in a while so here I am with a new project coming soon that I've been working on for a bit. So I hope you enjoy this preview video! (Coming out ---> April 10th <---)

*Only some art in my upcoming PoP shop is featured here so make sure to stay tuned in April 10th for many more pieces! (I made this video before I finished the project)

Details + What is a PoP shop? -
So for those of you who have not heard of PoP (Palace of Points) it is a mall sim where people can create shops for others to use their art (with credit). There is a point system and a lot more details so if you want to learn more about it and possibly become a member to be more involved with the project when it comes out on April 10th the you can learn more in these two links:
Project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/477703928
Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26491568/

You will not need to be in PoP for this project but it will make the experience more interactive. Without PoP you can still explore the project and look at all of the art, but you will not be able to use any of it.

Credits -
All art + code by me @mallo222
(except for some art I bought at others shops): flower vase on desk by @apart--
Video created on Canva

Tags -
#Preview #Art #Video #ComingSoon