Mind-Reading Cat 2.0

Published 2023-05-10
~ Scratchy, the famous magical cat, wants to test you! He will attempt to reach your mind through your computer screen and read a simple number from your short-term memory.
~ Just hit the flag and follow Scratchy's instructions.
~ This is an updated version of a very old project of mine (from July 2018) with better graphics and clearer instructions. Here is the original (if you really want to look at it): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/234023283
~ I cannot stress the importance of saying simply "yes" or "no" when prompted, or else this trick WILL NOT WORK.
~ This project doesn't work on mobile devices. Sorry!
~ The secret to the trick is purely mathematical. If you find it out (by looking inside), please don't reveal it in the comments.
~ Music: "Wild Plum Jelly" by John R. Erickson and a song from a @Bubbles166 game.
~ This trick is from a magic book that I cannot remember the name of.
5/10/23: Shared and added to SDS!
5/12/23: Hits front page, 614 views at time of writing.
5/16/23: Sudden surge of views, 1101 ATOW.
5/16/23: 100 loves!
5/26/23: Another surge of views?
6/2/23: 2035 views
#magic #scratchcat #cat #mind #reading #SDS