Harry Potter

Published 2022-03-03

All Comments (21)
  • @choles523
    the fact that the school chose to gift the rich student with the latest broom so he can join a sports team but not buy the poor kid a new wand when his current one was ruining his academic career
  • @orionbarnes1733
    J.K. Rowling resisting the urge to name an Irish character "Potatofamine Carbomb"
  • @Faryonderer
    “They’re an inferior race, Hermione.” Hagrid said calmly.
  • Cedric Diggory did the equivalent of losing a Spelling Bee and coming to school the next day in a Nazi uniform
  • @3ftninja132
    "Oh black girl Hermione, when will you stop talking about how slavery is wrong, it's getting on my nerves" - Harry Potter, the boy physically and mentally abused by his family because he is magical, and they're not.
  • @a.evelyn5498
    It’s interesting how Rowling cites Hermione’s hair as a sign of her possible blackness when in the books Hermione’s hair is always made fun of, deemed ugly, her beauty transformation occurring when she straightens it for the Yule Ball…
  • @geovaughan8261
    Fun fact: in the original tale of the Shoemaker and the Elves, from which Rowling takes primary inspiration for house elves, the Shoemaker and his wife end the tale by giving the elves new clothes and shoes as thanks for their help, and the elves are so happy that they dance out the door and never return, but the Shoemaker and his wife prosper from that day on. That’s right: the moral of the original tale was that *freeing house elves is the right decision and makes them happy*. Rowling doesn’t even understand the European lore she draws from, let alone those of other cultures.
  • @ackee39
    i think the reason theres so much HP fanfiction is just because theres so many interesting ideas that JKR just refuses to explore, so the fans do it for her
  • Honestly I think Rowling forgot Harry was rich for most of it. She gave him loads of money so she didn't have to think about his finances logistically, and then forgot about it
  • @lrose5522
    I, too, consider turning to fascism every time I lose a competition
  • I just rewatched the KJK video, and the bit about Kaeley Triller openly admitting to getting pregnant by an underage boy, and Rowling being friends with her, struck me as confirmation of a really ugly implication in Harry Potter. Remember how Merope slipped Tom Riddle Snr a love potion, and got him to marry her and get her pregnant? And after he woke up he abandoned her (and gets framed as being in the wrong for it), and the text paints him as so arrogant and snobbish that he never married again because nobody was good enough for him? And that we shouldn’t judge Merope too harshly? As if he’s not actually a r*pe victim who would probably never be able to trust another woman again? I just have a terrible feeling that Rowling is one of those people who thinks it somehow isn’t abuse if it’s female on male.
  • @AngryNerdBird
    The phrase "Sorry guys Neville knocked time travel over" made me crack up.
  • @alexander8257
    I hate that we now know that the answer to “why didn’t the wizards stop H*tler” is “one guy tried but he was the Evil Wizard so they stopped him”
  • @louisedohn7149
    The final battle against Voldemort basically has Harry going: "Ah, but Mr. Riddle. You may have screenshotted the Elder Wand NFT, but I bought it! It is clearly not yours to use! The wand must obey the rules of the blockchain!"
  • @cosmo_junk
    also worth mentioning how all the female characters who don't live conventional married lives are killed off
  • @auderpopstudio
    The fact that "The thing Rowling and her books don't get about slavery is that slavery is wrong." is a real and true sentence is just...holy shit. How tf did this just slide past so many readers back when these books were released?? I'm genuinely baffled
  • "sorry everyone. Neville knocked time travel over." I laughed so hard I woke up my wife.
  • @Cal6009
    "Those poor slaves wouldn't even know what to do with freedom" is literally a real life argument made about slavery.
  • @LeBonkJordan
    JK Rowling's politics in the books really do have "50% of slave-owners should be women" vibes
  • @ariatrent6263
    It’s weird how I almost never hear people address what to me is the worst aspect: that Dumbledore, the “hero”, basically allowed Harry to be abused by his family and by Snape. He could easily have checked up on the Dursleys and told them that they better treat Harry better or there would be consequences, but he just… didn’t.