Ian McCulloch & The Prodigal Sons - Faith and Healing live

Published 2007-10-15

All Comments (18)
  • @aquestionofkelly
    Man...Beautiful words. It's so hard to not like them! There are some bands/artist who had vocals you could love, but words you could despise (or the other way around) Ian never had a problem with either. :) I love this so much.
  • @elle39
    genius lyrics and voice.....as per usual....
  • @Xiroi87
    Right!! Unfortunately I never got to see Electrafixion live :( so I can't really tell. But I really liked their sound!!
  • @Xiroi87
    LOL. Absoltutely! I hope I'll be able to upload something special soon. Will keep you posted.
  • @elle39
    happy to subscribe...ian is just fucking gorgeous in this video!!! -
  • @JoeyLevenson
    i do, its harder and less techno-y than the original. When I met Ian I told him I liked Mysterio and had it sign it. He was really glad, cause it was a "flop". Candleland had some good tunes (like F&H), but Mysterio was good for me. GRACIAS!
  • @Xiroi87
    Rebuscando por aquí y por allá, de repente aparece un vídeo que grabó alguien en su casa de un programa de la tele de hace 20 años. Sí, me temo que nos ha pegado demasaido cambiazo, qué se le va a hacer. Pero le admiramos igual!
  • @elle39
    this is on candleland by the way....
  • @Xiroi87
    Wow, Lucky you!!! In general I've always liked better Mac's live performances, both his solo work and with EATB. I didn't quite enjoy the overproduced recorded versions of most of their songs in the late 80's but when it comes to playing live, he/they rule(s)!
  • @aslongasitlasts
    That band made so much noise, I'm surprised Mac didn't go deaf in addition to his myopia :P
  • @ninetyminutestd
    This is basically a New Order song. Good to see a tv performance that isn't lip-synced. I have mixed feelings about this period of McCulloch's career. Saw the Candleland tour and honestly, I became less of a fan. He seemed to be in a malaise and he has since said that he was really deep into drugs and drink for much of his solo stint. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Candleland album at the time. But there seemed to be something missing, a spark.