Activision and Platinum Games' Infamous Licensed Trilogy

Published 2022-01-22
There's a trilogy of licensed games that I've always been fascinated by and now's the time to talk about it! Activision has a controversial history, especially as of late. But their licensed games are definitely some to be missed. Before crypto, we had Korra, TMNT and Transformers!

Video Editing Assistance by Joshy -


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All Comments (21)
  • It's clear that Platinum does best when given creative freedom. Korra and TMNT had Viacom constantly breathing down their necks and it shows. Devastation was a quick cash in for a license that was about to expire, so no one cared what it was as long as it shipped on time, and the game was much better off because of it.
  • @KhaosKontroller
    Transformers Devastation is literally one of my favorite games of all time. The combat is so damn fun, I love all the different weapons, I love the boss fights, I love the art style, and the SOUNDTRACK is also an all time favorite of mine. "TRAAAAAAANSFORMERS! FACE THE DEVASTATION!"
  • @djtwreckz
    Transformers Devastation is a fun, quick playthrough and a GORGEOUS game.
  • @Jofe000
    Legend of Korra having a budget game from Activision really tells you a lot about the way Nickelodeon treated the series.
  • @Hoopryfien
    Transformers Devastation's soundtrack is so goddamn killer and I didn't expect it to be like that when I first played it a few years ago
  • @aisadal2521
    It's pretty surreal seeing this video in the midst of the Microsoft's acquisition of Activision. You have impeccable timing and commentary as always, Austin 😄
  • Oh man, Tramsformers Devastation is ABSURDLY fun. You can tell where they had to cut corners, but I thought it was an absolute blast, and I'm low-key a bit bummed they never gave us a full on sequel with more characters and expanded levels and themes.
  • It's weird to hear someone call Karai an "obscure" character, given how important she was in both the 2003 and 2012 Turtles TV shows. In the former show, she became the new Shredder after Ch'rell was banished to deep space, and in the latter, she was Hamato Yoshi/Splinter's biological daughter and even joined the group after finding out Shredder had been lying to her for her whole life.
  • @hawkeye038
    What I would give for a Transformers Devastation sequel, or DLC where you can play as the Decepticons. The game is soooo good.
  • @LevelUpLeo
    I remember playing the Korra game a few years back and finding it to be a slog and boring... UNTIL I realized that I could hold down my attack buttons, charge up and do some REALLY explosive attacks. THEN the game got a lot more wild and fun to play.
  • @SnackCanary
    The Korra game is one of the few things I felt like getting a platinum trophy in. That one Naga section took me Hours. HOURS. Guess I'm gonna do it again.
  • @Wolfkaosaun
    Legend of Korra had soooooo much potential. Honestly, I think it could have been one of the better licensed games if it were given more time and budget. Solid groundwork, just needed a little more to be one of the great ones
  • @Astro_Crunch
    I know it's never gonna happen, but I still really want Platinum to make a Kill la Kill game. I at least hope their brief stint with these licensed games doesn't completely discourage them from doing others in the future.
  • @alexn8672
    The Legend of Korra game is interesting, because it technically had a sibling game on the 3DS that was a bad tactical RPG (I made this comment before watching ahead sorry for the redundancy), and yet these two games give the impression that there is in theory a good game set in the Avatar franchise. I hope that in some point in the future, and this is a total pipe dream, that Viacom sees the value of allowing a prolific studio to take the reins and make their own spin on Avatar, and to give them the time and funding to make it not just a decent or good licensed game, but a worthwhile gaming experience like PSpider-Man
  • @hirobeez
    It seems like the main problem with Licenced games is the Licensing contracts. Most of these cases are like ball-chains of requirements, restrictions, helicopter managing and marketing holding everyone by the balls - and still failing to sell them or budget them or price them properly. In that way, how are the devs supposed to deal with making good games if their publishing arm is powerful but incompetent and draconic? Then the games fail and the blame falls on the devs and the marketers go and say "you didn't do what we told you to do, that's why you failed, not because we suck at our jobs".
  • @AlexTenThousand
    Quite lucky to have prepared a video about Activision just as the company got bought by Microsoft, hope that the bots reward you with extra views and relevancy!
  • @mr.lhd6990
    Legend of Korra was pretty good for being a $15 budget title. It's short, but the new game plus options make it worth replaying multiple times. I was praying for a Korra game back when the series was still running, so having the game be made by Platinum was a dream come true. It's not as good as I would have wanted it to be, but it's better than it has any right to be.
  • @StubzTurner
    Man, with how lack luster the TMNT games have been for the past decade, I'm really hoping Shredder's Revenge turns out to be good.
  • @BeatAces
    "No micro transactions, No live games" oh you sweet summer child of two weeks ago. How it can all change
  • @Hell_Soll
    I'm so glad that I picked up Transformers Devestation when it was on PS+ some time ago! such an awesome game