How to Lead with Purpose | Full Speech

Published 2023-06-02
What is the power of purpose for a team or organization?

Recorded at AB InBev SLC, July 2022

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Simon is an unshakable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together.

Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon has devoted his professional life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.

Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and The Infinite Game.

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Live Online Classes:

Simon’s books:
The Infinite Game:
Start With Why:
Find Your Why:
Leaders Eat Last:
Together is Better:

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All Comments (21)
  • @daddy6256
    No one should be put as a co-speaker next to the disarmingly talented Mr Simon Sinek!
  • What l really love about Simon Sinek is the consistency he has in what he says from speech to speech he gives. This very distinguishing feature has put him on the map. He does understand that the power comes from repetition. Thank you Simon!
  • @Summerbee68
    Purpose for me is somehow strongly connected to what I call ‚the promise to ME‘ - wherever I am (regardless if business or private life). Who am I (now, in 1sec, 1 min, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year…) - my dreams & hopes - my values, my goals, etc. … all this is adding up in ME. And purpose for me connects to my attitude, mindset and behavior towards that ME - respectively my promise towards ME.
  • Good talk Mr. Sinek. I too dislike the word "failure." I personally prefer to use the term "tactical defeat." Whether you fall or give a tactical defeat, it paves the way for getting back up to win the war 😉
  • @JL-sw3sb
    Thanks for this message. Sadly, 95% of people are obsessed with numbers. Some even bring this obsession to non-profit organizations or volunteer environments. Their toxicity is not called out because they project themselves as the elites and high performers.
  • @dbunnysport
    I love Simon. I love the message. This recording and story and company sound great. I am listening…. Half way through. And wanted to check which amazing company this is. AB InBev? That just had that disaster with Bud marketing campaign? 🤔 are the results of that debacle aligned with their purpose and values? I don’t know all the ins and outs of the situation but I’m feeling a disconnect. :(
  • @EndlessYASA
    Thank you for all your work Simon, you've changed not only my life, first comment lol
  • @borgesnt
    Live sensacional! Excelente didática do Joao Teixeira e fantástica facilitação do Yuri. Parabens ao Celint pela iniciativa inspiradora e muito esclarecedora. Abs.
  • @_ernst
    It has quite a low default-volume setting ... it should be uploaded with significantly louder default volume
  • @AkeSatia1
    :) Navigating the terrain of worthwhile pursuits! Uncovering the ethos by excavating... High impact work! Thank you for sharing :)
  • Bener banget romo kali ini berasa di tabok bolak balik, makasih banyak romo dari program bible learning selalu memberikan inspirasi untuk menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik dan berkenan di mata Tuhan semenjak mengikuti dari awal tahun 2022. terima kasih banyak romo, menguatkan saya untuk meminta kepada Tuhan jalan keluar. mengingat saya satu2nya di dlm keluarga dan keluarga besar yg mendapat panggiilan menjadi katholik di tahun 2008
  • Oh my gosh I love the part about COVID drama it was/ is real and I’m a company that spoke the talk but didn’t follow through on the support made it hard.
  • What am concerned about with Simon's Narrative is that, how will we measure employee's accountability if they have the freedom you presume is needed, Some of these Gen Zs are just lazy and have low stress tolerance therefore they try to fight for more rights for the world to bend towards their self interests.