Every classic Doctor Who serial described by modern Doctor Who

Published 2024-02-19

All Comments (21)
  • @padillac16
    The Shada one was pure genius, I can’t wait for Every Modern Doctor Who Story Described By Classic Doctor Who
  • @jimmyoakmeister
    Was expecting the TV movie to just be the War Doctor going "Does this happen a lot in the future?" when Ten and Liz I kiss
  • @Hyper_Fixation
    The "Good. And not so good" for The Five Doctors and Warriors of the Deep got me XD
  • @mastoaster
    I've seen only a decent chunk of Classic who and thought this was hilarious - I can only imagine those who have seen all of it must be rolling on the floor from laughter. Great work!
  • @jonakarkive
    Well now you have to do vice versa - Every modern Doctor Who serial described by classic Doctor Who
  • @kingdonut6675
    If I had a nickel for every time there was evil bubble wrap in Doctor Who I would have two nickels. It’s not a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
  • @lbricks7631
    The one for The planet of the spiders really got me. Its just cars.
  • @whophd
    "Something obvious right in front of me" and "nipping next door for some milk" RIP!!
  • @dst9997
    The Macra Terror is perfection
  • @Erathiatw
    "That was pretty convincing racism for an extra terrestrial" makes me want to rewatch and also never again touch The Talons of Weng Chiang
  • What I love about compilations like this is that it makes Davies's, Moffatt's and Chibnall's eras look like totally different shows.
  • @jam-the-hologram
    This was pure genius, I actually screamed with laughter when you showed the clip for The Mutants
  • @wonkybobson5704
    Imagine watching this with no knowledge of either the classic or the modern show -- like two No Context videos at the same time! Massive respect
  • @TheYoungDoctor
    0:36 That should be Planet of Giants. Land of the Giants was a American TV series by Irwin Allen.
  • @markcullen476
    This is great but the description of The Visitation takes the cake for me! 😂😂👏👏
  • @ameliawade78
    The planet of the spiders one was a stroke of pure genius 😂