Health inspector failed us...

Published 2022-01-07

All Comments (21)
  • @4baadimh01
    Don't worry Chips expired previous day or within a week is (dismissed) If you didn't have soap in the soap holder it's dismissed unless you don't have the actual holder. Test strip is dismissed cuz you have the actual test strip. Same with paper towel, you have the actual holder, therfore it's dismissed. It depends on your lawyer. Mine always dismissed these little petty violations. Only food that you must pay the fine within a day of expiration is Dairy food. Plus you can ask them, did someone complain about ? Or it's just a normal check. They should tell you. Take care, I just had an inspection today, he was great 😄 They always come Friday lol
  • As a previous manager of a deli, I can tell you that most health inspectors I've dealt with are on power trips. One time, an inspector started stabbing a dishwasher thermometer into my wrapped deli meats and then had me throw them all away because they had been cross contaminated by her thermometer stabbing them. Also she fought me on the required cooking temp for pork (145 F) and had me stop serving customers until she leafed through her big book for 8 minutes only to confirm I was correct. I could go on and on. It also kills me how youre required to pour bleach on your trash so that homeless people won't eat it and potentially get sick from eating expired food. Like, bruh, they're going to eat it anyway and DEFINITELY get sick if there's bleach all over it.
  • As a health inspector myself this seems very odd. I understand writing the sanitizer and and the soap and paper towels but just correct it on site. The chips seem weird seeing as how most of those "expiration dates" are from the manufacturer who basically puts it on the package so you throw it away and buy more and for quality reasons ( this does not include baby formula or dairy products those you have to look at the dates). Failing them for something they fixed on site is kinda overkill. It's not like a rat ran across their feet. Maybe they were from one of those third party companies?
  • @Gary-fn4ui
    Previous inspector here. Likely that they had a quota, were close to their deadline/behind on schedule - filling their timesheets at a small sandwich shop was an easy target. Indeed some are power trips and I argue that most violations are for small, overly regulated parameters.
  • @jeff00600
    That inspector CLEARLY was having a bad day and just to be an arse, they decided to take it out on you. It sucks, I'm proud of you for the way you handled it :) good job sir and keep up the great vids!
  • @sammy64gaming15
    I don’t know the rules and regulations in New Jersey but in my state, marking paper towels out as a failure for a health inspector can lead to your inspection history being reviewed.
  • @dmironyuk
    Alot of these "inspectors" go by their feelings I've noticed in general; even if everything is correct but they simply get irritated by anything; it's gonna turn into a fail. We need inspectors to inspect the "inspector" to do their actual job live on site, by facts & not feelings👍. "Simply questioning the fella, makes them feel tested, all softies"😆
  • @DragoRaRaRa
    Honestly in my experience both in retail and restaurants, most health inspectors tend to take their job very seriously, which is good, but I've met a lot that take it TOO seriously. To the point where "I'm gunna have to dock you point because there's a leaf on the floor".
  • Nooo I remember getting a health inspector during rush as well, and she was also oddly “out to get us.” We learned later that the health inspectors in our area are infamous for being very petty for no reason. She threw away SO much of our food even though it wasn’t expired. I think we still passed but only because the store owner had to contact the health department directly.
  • @LatalesFine
    That issue with the chips you mentioned is what got me fired from subway when I worked there. In my case it was a manager who found a single bag of expired chips THAT HE HAD PLANTED THERE JUST BEFORE LUNCH RUSH and blamed me for it still being there at the end of lunch rush. I was fucking furious
  • @wyatthen9871
    My dad's business had a similar thing happen during covid. We had an osha inspector come by to inspect us for covid stuff. Our business is a recreation business that also has a retail shop to accompany. We followed all covid guidelines and went above what the standards were at the time. This also meant that our recreation part of the business was closed meaning over 90 percent of revenue is just non existant. They came in on a day that the retail store wasn't even open, I was the only employee there and just restocking product with the door unlocked just in case a customer needed something on a day we weren't open. Gave them a tour of the empty building and like the whole time the two of them were within ten feet of each other while they were bringing the hammer down on our business for covid stuff. They interviewed all of our employees and "investigated" for an entire month and then fined us for things that we were already following the rules on. I get that they are "just doing their job", but they chose that job and some people enjoy their job a little too much.
  • You got a newbie inspector. They think they have something to prove. We had a chick whip out this "brightness" detector and tell us the kitchen wasn't "bright enough" and she took off points for it. It was literally our first inspection in a brand new building. Never in my 15 years in restaurants had I heard of anything so ridiculous. I wanted to ask her "how many fingers am I holding up?" You can guess how many I would have showed her and which one
  • @tspcpr
    That’s just sad that you failed but good job for being such a good sandwich artist
  • @0AmyK0
    Sounds like the inspector was having a bad day and passed it on to you. I'm sorry that happened. And I hope that inspector starts feeling better and gets over what was bugging them.
  • @Velshard
    In Oregon you can charge a health inspector with harassment and criminal trespass. My aunt and mom when running their restaurants usually played ball with the health inspectors and everything was fine. But every once in a while they'd get a HI with a chip on their shoulder, long stories short, they always got the last laugh when the dust settled.
  • Most important thing i’ve learned from these videos is that some people take “ham sandwich” very literally when going to subway.
  • I'm dumbfounded. That inspector must have had a terrible week up to that point.
  • @Soda_007
    I mean i really am impressed of him actually telling the truth and you know not defending himself without any genuine reasons. Really appreciate this guy's honesty.
  • @noitsholly
    I honestly hate it when people say “oh, he must have had a bad day, and that’s why he failed you.” Stop giving him excuses. If you’re having a bad day, do NOT take it out on others. It’s incredibly selfish and I despise people like you.