Clip from Atheist Experience #835: caller goes fishing and catches a full dose of Dillahunty

Published 2013-10-14
Matt has long conversation with a theist who has weird fascination with "ancient text". As usual, Matt knows the precise moments to call bs. Scientific method vs. 2000 year-old dogma -- I wonder who will win?

Included in this discussion is a classic Dillahunty bible FAIL rant! (at about 24:25).


Please note: Yes, I am aware the audio is poor. The live feed itself had production issues and this is the only quality available from either the ACA site or the AE U-Stream channel.

Here -- I did some post-production audio enhancement:

   • From AE # 835: call with Jonathan - A...  


All Comments (21)
  • @picmman
    I remember being 10 years old, sitting in church and thinking....." this is a bunch of bullshit" 🙂
  • @souplife1
    Matt: answers a question Jonathan: moves goalposts another mile back
  • @psyekl
    Step 1: Bring up the topic of slavery in the Bible. Step 2: Watch 'em tap dance; musical accompaniment is optional.
  • @TruthSurge
    "the bible has withstood the test of time" Obviously, he hasn't read the Bible.  It has NOT withstood the test of time.  Bats are not birds.  Rabbits don't chew cud.  Sheep do not inherit their coloring by mating in front of striped sticks.  Donkeys and snakes do not talk.  Killing children for hitting their parents is not morally right.  Owning another person is not morally acceptable.  And the list goes on for miles.
  • @richo61
    Matt was devastating here. He has it all at his fingertips and the theist is like a dazed bunny in the headlights.
  • @oljo0527
    My right ear enjoyed the argument.
  • @puckerings
    You can tell by the way he repeats Matt's final question about determining that God is the good one and Satan is the bad one, that he's never considered that question before. Never even occurred to him. Hopefully he went away and actually considered the question.
  • @snowylocks4684
    I love how this guy keeps trying to "explain" the bible to Matt by bringing up popular movies and tv-shows, as if he's talking to a teenager. And everytime he does it, there's that condescending little chuckle. Kudos to Matt for staying calm, polite and respectful.
  • @wwjudasdo
    9:21 "The Higgs Boson supposedly particle  or whatever". Matt went easy on this dude.
  • @genelaw9
    6:20 until Jonathan actually starts his argument. It never fails to amaze me how many callers, intelligent or not, go into the discussion trying to bait or trick the host into saying something, while hiding their true intent. If you have an argument, state it, attempt to back it up, and then discuss. I can imagine that Matt would pay good money to have a "fast-forward caller" button.
  • @dericanslum1696
    ..."I personally haven't looked into those scriptures"...tale as old as as old as rhyme...
  • This is the most vague, indirect-speaking person I have ever seen. He spent about 50 words for every single one that was required to construct a simple question. I couldn't understand what he was trying to say most of the time because he was doing these figure eights around the points he really wanted to make.
  • @apinakapina
    One of my favourites! A theist listening an argument, not taking any time to understand what actually was said, and picking a keyword to make a fallacious reply.
  • @outlaw2747
    The bible only served to supplement my atheism towards the Christian God.
  • @baxtar1963
    Matt is the most logical man on the planet. In five years of watching him I've never seen anybody get one up on him.
  • @Grabovsky85
    Matt's rant at the end has to be one of his best. Just amazing.
  • @orcodrilo
    man.... the bible does not even know what an atom, electricity, calories vitamins, red cells are, and people still want to bring it above science.
  • @drg8687
    If this is the best you got theists then please just stop already.
  • @isaachaze1
    this is matt dillahunty at his best. not getting too angry, not hanging up on the caller, calmly making his arguments. wish he was always like this