Women Share Stories of Men Fumbling The Coochie! | ShxtsnGigs Podcast | Patreon Clips

Published 2022-10-14

All Comments (21)
  • Imagine how scary it would be hearing a man you are alone with say "enough of this nice guy act." I would be scared I wouldn't make it home.
  • @fignewton0000
    "Bitch I said I like you" made my stomach hurt from laughter XD
  • They missed the best part of the story at 3:40 because the dude didn't just put on football highlights. He put on HIS OWN football highlights.
  • Had this guy come over, he asked me if I had an extra tooth brush. I did & give it to him, as I give it to him I offered him a face cloth. He was like “what’s that for?” I said if you wanna wash you’re face. This man turns & looked me dead in the eyes & says “I’m not the one with acne.” When I tell you my jaw dropped. It wasn’t even that bad, I had like 3 pimples on my chin from my new birth control. Never again 😒
  • "You're a grown man stealing sweets?" Plot twist: He was actually three toddlers stacked in a trench coat
  • @CoCoQueen910
    Yoooo, the commentary, British accent & slang, and genuine Black man laughter is EVERYTHING!
  • @rayray80234
    I appreciate that their first response to the "No more nice guy act" was that it was scary. Yes. That is absolutely scary & I'm glad she was able to leave
  • @WhatAudryEats
    I thought these were gonna be sex stories of how guys thought they were rocking it during sex but we’re actually failing 😂😂
  • the wig one 😂😂😂😂😂 I would literally be so mad at myself for allowing him in my house 💀
  • @cissy2194
    First date with a guy, he tells me whoever he marries will have to sign a prenup revoking all rights to his house because he refuses to give something to someone who didn’t buy it. I told him that was fair, as long as he didn’t expect me to contribute financially to the upkeep of said home (I.e. property tax, renovations, landscaping, home repairs and such). He got quiet and said “oh no, those things have to be split cause you’re living together”. I didn’t argue, I finished my dinner, when the check came I gave my card to the waiter, told the guy have a nice day and left. The following day he texted me talking about what a good time he had and how sexy it was that I paid. I never responded. Financial transparency is important so I didn’t have a problem with that, but his whole energy was that of “mine mine mine”. Someone like that, isn’t ready for a relationship let alone marriage.
  • I don't know what's funnier, the fact that this happens to many women, your commentary, your genuine giggles of delight and embarrassment for these clowns or the fact that at least 3 of these things have happened to me lol
  • The no hand soap in the bathroom one could also be a sign of him being unhygienic and she didn't want to risk an infection
  • I got asked to coffee on a first date. At the end of the date, he asked me on a second date to frozen yogurt and followed it up with, "but, can we go dutch, cause I'm not made of money." My coffee was $3.75.
  • @MorbidKat
    "Enough of this nice guy shit I'm ready to fuck" is the MOST r/niceguys line ever lmao
  • @Bayanda7
    "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" 🤣🤣🤣
  • When I read fumbling the coochie I thought they were going to be stories about guys not knowing, how to play with the coochie. Maybe we should get some stories like that next. This was still funny as hell. Had me rolling. Also, James fade is 🔥 af.