FAKE (Ciel's Memory ~ Truth of Hero Drama Track Fan Animation)

Published 2014-02-24
Truth of Hero drama track Animated! (with an extra footage! XD)

It's done! Took longer than expected. On the first week of doing this, I got sick that I work on and off on this stuff and thought of not continuing it anymore. But then, when I hear Copy X theme. I get eager to animate this track. A year ago, I thought of animating this track but told myself it's impossible! I can't do it! I'm not skilled yet. I thought it's better to animate with sprites, though it may seem cheap...but every time I hear the "Truth of hero" drama track and Copy X "Fake" theme. I keep visualizing this track into my mind. Imagining how the scene would look like. I keep thinking and thinking of this thing that It motivates to do this. After I did my previous animation Megaman Servbot, I finally had the confidence to animate this track. By the fourth week of January, I start animating the track full time. I did redesigns of the characters and change the setting. Zero having blue eyes and an extra armor part on his leg and Copy X with an armor similar to Model X. Since the track anticipates a battle with Copy X in his second form. I decided to merge his 1st form and 2nd form so I could incorporate Copy X 1st form. There's also a little change with the story. While animating the scenes and cleaning up the drawings. It's quite grueling. I think It's better If I work 4-6 hrs. a day than whole day or else it would be exhausting. I feel this is more of a test of patience rather than the skill. It may seem tiring sometimes and gets annoying especially when software crashes, but I love what I'm doing. This is my passion and that's the reason why I keep doing it even though sometimes I feel weary. A month passed and I'm done. Suddenly, I remember the time when I thought this is impossible for me to do. It make's me happy that I did something which I thought was not possible.

I'm uncertain if I'll still be active on youtube but I'm sure I'll be active on Deviant Art. I put some elements of the video there! Specifically screenshots,backgrounds and some unused stuffs. So, if you want to see it! Visit my DA page here!


Animation by ultimatemaverickx(me)!
English Translation by Eclipse5632!
Truth of Hero and Fake soundtrack by Capcom!

I hope you enjoy this video! I worked hard on it! :D

All Comments (21)
  • @sonloto8010
    Even in 2021, the animation still holds up. Top-tier stuff.
  • @abc2390986
    I love how the entire world is worrying about Zero's fate when copy X transforms while Zero is like "bitch please even first armor is tougher than this"
  • real X: took multiple damage, still manage to fight on fake X: Took 1 insult, infinite mentality damage.
  • @sampVA4264
    "I may have lost my memories, but it seems my body still remembers my old friend." Laughs in Omega
  • @eLisTig
    Your animations skills are beyond everything, wow!!! Zero, Copy X, the four Guardians... All look AWESOME! Respect, excellent job.
  • @Hei_Darkfire
    Damn. We REALLY need an anime for this series. I always found it strange that in the MMZ series, Ciel and Zero are the ones that are viewed as mavericks until the end of Z4, and Copy X was viewed as a true hero and leader.
  • @homuraakemi103
    Have to love how Copy X’s voice is more computerized...
  • @Mety333
    wow how am i seeing this just now these are amazingly well done!
  • @Mety333
    Wow amazing! How am i seeing this 5 years later?
  • @gamwhiz1
    I love the animation, but I was a little put off by everyone watching X's transformation broadcast live. You can clearly see it being put up in front of civilians (Ciel's in disguise, and Elpizo's [I think that's him?] making a cameo presumably before he defected and helped relocate the resistance), but Copy X's battle (and subsequent defeat) was only known to the resistance and the highest levels of Neo Arcadia. None of the Neo Arcadian civilians knew of his death; everyone pretended he was still there, and Harpuia became the de facto ruler from the shadows, at least until Weil showed up. He was just too big of a symbol to be lost like that, so Neo Arcadia pulled one over on their citizens. This would be...less than possible if everyone witnessed him blowing up. (It does make for a cooler scene though, I'll grant you that)
  • Copy X is basically what happens when a bootleg product gains sentience. Oh hey, let's make it even more horrifying! Let's make a flawed, megalomaniac duplicate of Megaman X, who in the Zero series is basically portrayed as a GOD.
  • @GoldC11
    Who else would be interested to see a Zero VS Copy X fight now having seen this? I know I do.
  • @MisterInevitable
    Dude, you make THE BEST fan Mega Man videos, and I love you for it. Keep up the good work.
  • @XZero151
    Your patience pulled through in the end and your end results are breath taking as always If you get the opportunity to make your passion your career your loyal fans will support you. These animations have entertained us over the years and the passion and emotions they evoked have stayed with us and will continue to for a long time to come.
  • @Spydigger59
    This is some really awesome work. It's like watching an anime.
  • @Mappster
    Copy X: You are as entertaining as i expected, I'm glad I'm able to have a little bit of fun with someone like you ;) Zero: y̶o̶a̶i̶ yaoi (gay) Copy X: What did you say? o.o Zero: Was the original X really this gay? Copy X: I'll make you regret saying that you straight reploid. allow me to show you my true charm. Zero: I may have lost my memories, but it seems my body still remembers my old friend. X was more manly than this!
  • @nolosenidea8373
    2021 and this animation still better that dragon ball super entire