The Genetics of Prehistory.

Published 2021-11-02

All Comments (21)
  • @ShnoogleMan
    Fun fact: In South Africa and Zimbabwe there is a tribe known as the Lemba which claimed to come from the north and had many practices completely different from the neighboring Bantu tribes and much more similar to Jews and Muslims. After genetic testing, it was confirmed that a large percentage of members of their leadership class had the Cohen Modal Haplotype, or the gene on the Y chromosome mentioned in this video that is connected to Jews of the priestly Cohen caste, and that this gene was even more common than in many other Jewish populations.
  • @ecurewitz
    it's not that our ancient ancestors stories have never been told. They have been told, but long forgotten
  • @Nimatzo
    About IQ: 1. People who grow up on military bases are not randomly selected. In fact they or their parents are selected among others things based on IQ tests. 2. Because those groups have mixed with the local population, it is expected that their trains would be closer to the local population. 3. Immigrants are not randomly selected, nor is it random who chooses to migrate. There is considerable self selection going on and additional selection upon arrival who gets to stay, this is especially true for the USA, the well know "brain drain" effect.
  • @CJ_Espinoza
    What you had to say about Native Americans actually clears up a lot of things for me. I’m mixed European-Native American and when I did a DNA Ancestry test I had small amounts of East Asian,Polynesian and Siberian ancestry as well.
  • Austrolopithucus: Noooo, you can’t just randomly decide to get up and move to an entirely new continent for no reason! Premodern humans: haha legs go walk
  • Whatifalthist: *releases some of the most intriguing and thought provoking videos ever back to back in the span of a few weeks Also whatifalthist: goes awol for weeks to months on end
  • @FelipeJaquez
    All of human history has been one giant battle royal it seems.
  • @biropgrules
    this video reminded me of the large amount of native norwegians who have ancestry from our original royal family before it went extinct and we became a vassal to a distant king in denmark. Shockingly the successors of the literal viking kings got around A LOT, in particularly our first king Harald Fairhair.
  • @PantomimeHorse
    My Dude, You REALLY need to provide complete list of your sources when making videos like these. There's a LOT of contentious stuff here, and it's frustrating for me, watching as a layman, not being able to research the origins of your claims.
  • @zazanza
    Whatifalthist: "Genetics is showing us an epic history we would have otherwise known nothing about. For, matching with archeology, we found absolutely epic events occurred behind the veil of history from before we have records. Massive wars and migrations took place and leaders rose and fell in the dark of pre-history." Me: "Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!"
  • @ice8776
    always amazed how quick it takes for him to write these
  • @prestonbane4176
    I always had the same theory about the garden of eden story being an allegory for the rise of conciousness--without knowing anything about the cognitive revolution literally in prehistory or any stoned ape theory. I grew up in church and received all those stories literally as if they were fact, but once i was older (and a stoned ape) and became areligious i just assumed that's what the story meant. I thought it was kind of a common cliche conclusion.
  • @Mr.Nichan
    You speak of farming people's "genociding" others, and that probably is at least somewhat true, but it's also important to note that farming cultures just have higher population densities than hunter-gatherer ones. The farmers could have more "swamped" the hunter-gatheres rather than killing them, making them a minority in their own country by just outbreeding/dying less than them. Taking their land probably hurt them in any case, but it might result in the hunter-gatherers getting assimilated and having their genetics diluted as much as them just sticking to hunting and gathering (or farming on inadequate land) and starving.
  • @albertalu4583
    His output is increasing exponentially, let's hope the trend continues
  • @grantrick1
    One thing that really ought to be talked about here is that you begin the video by saying race is demonstrably not a social construct, if you ignore the socially constructednature of it. No one who says "race is a social construct" is saying "all humans are genetically identical, and geographically separated populations are not in any way distinct." What they're saying is that the physical differences between these peoples don't have an impact on intelligence, capability, morals, or culture. The idea of "black people" and "white people" as distinctions in the minds of Westerners exist because of centuries of categorically dividing people and assuming that some inherently more capable, valuable, or sophisticated than others not on individual merit but on color of skin alone. This hierarchical relationship between people based on the shade of their skin is what we mean when we say "race is a social construct". There are obvious physical differences between distinct populations of humans separated by tens of thousands of years of isolation, and genetic markers that can be used to prove for example that the ancestors of the Japanese were more closely related to the turks than the vietnamese. I don't think at all that you have bad intentions, I mean throughout the rest of the video you demonstrate a clear understanding of the novelty and significance to anthropology/historical study of these physical differences between populations yet their ultimate lack of importance in cultural development. What you don't show is an awareness of the fact that 'race' means more than just physical differences when people talk about race as a social construct. By opening the video with a declaration that race is not a social construct, and using a map to divide people into races, you're sitting down at the lowest point in the flood plain and saying "this is the hill I want to die on." When the floodwaters come rushing in, the only people who will be there to defend you are people with a much less modern view of what physical differences between populations mean. You of course are talking about physical differences being genetic and not morality or intelligence being genetic when you make this kind of map, but sooner or later when you make statements like that your comment sections will be full of people with 1488 and HH in their username throwing FBI crime statistics and links to PDF copies of The Bell Curve at your new viewers. Just be wary of that. Great and entertaining video but a massive slab of red meat unintentionally left out for neonazis at the beginning.
  • @jendreg1935
    People from Britain to Pakistan: We have our own culture and life is good. Some Chariot Bois: Are you sure about that?!
  • @kokofan50
    You’re conflating Indo-Aryan with Indo-European. The Indo-aryans are a sub group of the Indo-Europeans
  • @gdizhd8266
    Your stoned ape/ Garden of Eden theory sounds seriously interesting. You should make a video on it. I’ve always had the idea that ancient places like Kemet or greece were responsible for raising human consciousness as a whole.
  • @SaNgJuN86
    That gene 7R that’s associated with impulse seeking behavior is fascinating. Thanks for the informative video.
  • It always amazes me how much of the human story is lost to us. Entire kings and wars and cities lost forever because we couldn't write. Wonder how true it will be of our era