Slippin' Chuck - Chuck Asks His Own Lawyer If He Passed The Bar

Published 2022-07-31
Chuck's head couldn't withstand any more tablebutts.

All Comments (21)
  • @bajscast
    Greatest legal mind I ever knew.
  • @DayanMarchezi
    "I am not in danger, Rebecca. I orchestrated it. I am crazy."
  • @HyperGolem
    This is it. The peak of this meme. Nothing can ever top this.
  • @pankker
    oh, wow that's the smoothest mouthing for 'you passed the bar'
  • I love how Chuck just proceeds to repeatedly hit his head at 0:14 just to show off how crazy he is to the court LOL
  • @kiIIer_b
    "I am-crazy" cut was good, i needed it
  • @thorhit
    Bro the โ€œI AM CRAZYโ€ line made me laugh for a good minute ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @EatTheAssPork
    I love how everyone just watched him for a solid 20 seconds without helping ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • I don't know what I was expecting when I clicked on this video but it wasn't this lol. I am not complaining though!
  • @Casimir2811
    Wow, this was a freaking masterpiece of editing !
  • @guillermohuar
    โ€˜Objectionโ€™ HAHAHAHA ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  • Everytime I get on YouTube this is in my recommended and I have to click again because it's SOLID GOLD.
  • I've been binge-watching these videos the last couple of days. So far, this one is my favorite.