Kathleen Stock OBE: Trans Women Aren't Women

Published 2021-05-23
It's a view held by most people, so why has it become so controversial to state that trans women aren't women? On this episode of "So What You're Saying Is..." (#SWYSI) we are joined by Prof. Kathleen Stock OBE, professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex and author of the best-selling book: "Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism".

Prof. Stock discusses the issues of sex vs. gender and gender identity, and explains how trans activists, arguing that gender is psychological not physical, now claim that womanhood & manhood are genders in a social, rather than biological, sense.

She discusses the possible motives for Stonewall's decision to become so actively involved in trans rights, as well as the vilification of its outspoken critics such as Germaine Greer and Julie Bindell. Prof. Stock has herself been the target of campaigns to silence, cancel and no platform.

Prof. Stock also discusses the negative impact the more extreme trans rights positions are having on women (changing rooms, public toilets, prisons etc.) as well as the young, and gays & lesbians.

Her book may be purchased here: www.amazon.co.uk/Material-Girls-Kathleen-Stock/dp/…
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All Comments (21)
  • @seaofghosts
    When breastfeeding is referred to as chest feeding you know it's gone too far.
  • @nonoyorbusness
    It's a sad state of affairs that a woman has to write a book pointing out the obvious!
  • We have to stop using their language. They are trans-identified MEN. We are women, not cis.
  • @dandylion8118
    "I' m a lesbian trapped in a man's body" used to be a silly joke, but now we're supposed to take such a statement literally!
  • As an 84-year-old male (I take it that it is still alright to use the term male) I feel like I am living on an alien planet. The world has gone mad 😜
  • @derekbland5253
    Of course they're not. There is no hatred here just simple facts. They have a right to believe what they want to believe but do not expect me to be bullied in to believing the lies.
  • @mogznwaz
    It's sad, scary and infuriating that stating the obvious is being called a 'hate crime'
  • @Daniellinne
    When I was a kid I loved the tale "Emperor's New Clothes." I would have never thought I'd live to experience that same thing in my lifetime. We are now actually living that tale.
  • @danielwhite1135
    Just imagine how messed up our society is when you cannot say a man is not a woman... and then think about how right now that is only one of many crazy things about the way the world is going!
  • @iainsan
    This is the kind of interview the BBC used to do. The quality of the questioning and the debate itself are really excellent. How sad that our mainstream media seems so reluctant to explore the truth in this way.
  • Professor Stock is a breath of fresh air. Assertive, informed, and compassionate.
  • @jamespaton3853
    I watched a documentary about a little boy whose parents have decided that he is trans. They dress him as a female, paint his nails and have now given him a female name. At his age he wouldn't understand the situation. This is a decision made by the child's parents. In the long term they could deprive their child of the right to be a father, to fall in love and live a happy normal life, to satisfy their own stupid narcissism.
  • @chrisowen3111
    The trans activists in school, particularly junior schools, is chilling. It would rightly have been regarded as child abuse before.
  • @DM-rb2qt
    "I'm not oppressing you Stan, you haven't got a womb" -Monty Pythons Life of Brian
  • last year I volunteered at the Israeli LGBTQ(XYZTARSAHSDJFKDH) Youth Organization. I am a lesbian woman. every controversy that came up about transgenderism was considered transphobia. zero freedom of speech. I'm so glad and relievd that an intelegent woman speaks out what i couldn't. I had a 13 years old student who decided every week what gender she was, and i had to respect that and change my pronouns every time, that was a complete joke. Today I can say, i decided to not be a part of that delusional community. i am lesbian and i don't stand for any of that gender issues that i have nothing to do with - i am not LGBTQ just a lesbian proud woman.
  • I'm with Professor Stock, we all have to start calling out these dangerous and destabilising ideologies.
  • @johnboro64
    I think it’s disrespectful to a woman, that a man thinks he can be one . As a man, a husband, brother, son and father I have absolute respect for all the women I know and wouldn’t dare to suggest I could be one.
  • @anaglyphx
    I like rational and logical people.
  • @jromeo6748
    It is heartening to see a grown up push back against this madness.
  • @petergardner760
    I had not heard of Kathleen Stock before this interview. She shows an extraordinarily rare combination of intelligence and common sense. That alone is enough to condemn her in many circles because she is independent minded and will not accept having views and opinions thrust upon her by identitarians' perceptions of her identity. She is also clearly a courageous woman and I wish her well.