By Healing Others, She Healed Her Autoimmune Disease

Published 2024-06-26
“What is happening inside of our body, inside of our mind, is just pure magic. I recognize that I was doing things to heal myself.”

Katherine grew up with what she calls “Big T” trauma, leading to a life of challenges – from depression and anxiety to autoimmune disease. Though she was familiar with Dr Joe, she hadn’t really invested in the work. Then, in 2023, she committed to attending a Week Long Advanced Retreat and spent the next few months immersing herself in the teachings and meditations.

At the retreat, Katherine began experiencing energy coursing through her body in ways she’d never felt before. With each meditation, the energy grew – until, during a Coherence Healing™ session, she touched the mystical and knew she had been healed. Later tests confounded her doctors, showing she had been cured of the supposed “lifelong illnesses.”

“You don't have to be sick to come here,” she says of the retreat. “There are other pieces and fragments inside of you that get lost along the way, because we're so busy surviving – and once you have those pieces back, it's just incredible.”

Recorded at the Marco Island Advanced Follow Up Retreat in January 2024


About Dr Joe:
Dr Joe Dispenza is a New York Times best-selling author, researcher, lecturer, and corporate consultant, whose research has led him to develop a practical formula to help people transform their lives. Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He integrates that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness.

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All Comments (21)
  • Thank you all so much for the kind words. This work really is magical. I wish I could have shared my entire experience, but it would have taken all day 😂 My life has expanded and exploded even more just since shooting this testimonial. I'm overcome with gratitude almost every single day. My life has become such a blessing. Thank you to everyone in the community who helped get me here. I love you all 💙
  • @miadelavier4315
    This will help someone: that thing that all these people are experiencing which heals them , is just opening and getting to the love inside and coming back to themselves. love is our nature and restores balance in body but we suppress it because others hurt us and told us we are not good. So the healing is restoring to this innocence and god and state of love , oneness, coming back to self without the outside. For yourself.
  • What a beautiful person. I am so happy for her easeful creativity after all her fatigue and disease. How incredible that her pair partner intuitively swaddled her like a newborn, because in a way she was one! And what beautiful words she spoke into her being.
  • @KingaGorski
    Just watched Source the Film this past weekend once it was released—what a stellar documentary. I've been practicing and teaching your research findings over the last 10 years and it's been nothing short of life-changing. I've said it many times over and I'll say it again: thank you. 🙏
  • @shannonarroyave
    Beautiful testimony my friend! More evidence for our emerging collective to grow from 💜💓💛
  • @HappyCat1111
    I’m so happy for this young person to experience such profound healing! We are all deserving of the energy of love, to be healed and whole. I wish everyone healing and love and self-discovery. Blessings!
  • @lisac6139
    Sounds like she has experienced a real Kundalini awakening. Beautiful story.
  • @Emily-hq3jj
    Katherine. I'm so honored I had the priviledge of meeting you at the Marco Islands retreat. Such a beautifil soul ❤
  • @Kookka_
    Love this lovely lady and her story. How incredible!! She blew up that old version of herself and became a new person (ality) She’s an artist and a singer and should be on stage giving speeches with her eloquent way of speaking. I could listen to her for hours.❤
  • Beautiful, inspiring, touching testimonial, pure Love and Truth. You Lovely, artistic Songbird! Much Love to YOU!!!
  • @busraliga9734
    Aahh it is the most beautiful testimonials I heard in very long time 🥰give me hope as my anxiety came back and i have no confidence in myself this days 😢i am so judgmental to myself
  • @franziskak.4926
    There is such a synchronicity: you see the paining in the back? She talks about how she is painting now 🥰🥰🥰🥰
  • This is inspiring to hear. What is even more inspiring is her description of her experience, the actuality of it. Thank you.
  • @danielbarry3191
    I was at the Denver week long and in the PAIR study as well. Hearing this testimonial is inspiring!