Living with chronic pain - Jack's Story

Published 2019-03-10
Imagine going for a routine operation on day to waking up with your chest feeling like it’s on fire, permanently, and indefinitely. Living with chronic pain - Jack’s story is a hard but essential story to tell. And not for the reasons you may think.

Jack is one of the most inspirational and strongest people I know. To live with allodynia, be unable to work, deal with the dark thoughts that this entails and STILL manage to be a positive force both for himself and, incredibly, for others too.

I usually talk about exercise and life and how to take positive steps for a better life. Although this may seem like a tangeant it’s not really. Jack can be a lesson for us all. In positivity, coping mechanisms and how to look at life for the better. He is an inspiration and I’m proud to call him my friend.

All Comments (21)
  • @KiwikimNZ
    What a great video. People do not realise how the chronic pain experience changes you in so many ways. The grief is unbearable, until you get to a place of acceptance. I was also suicidal and felt I had lost the life I once lived, a fit healthy, energetic, fun, social and outgoing life. Boom I lost it all due to an accident and then subsequent spinal surgeries then chronic pain syndrome. Lost my career as a Nurse, that was a job that I lived for. My friends disappeared, no one understood, the exhaustion and pain was crippling. I stopped going out, stopped socialising, stopped exercising... once I worked through the why me and found acceptance, I have found that I still have a life it is just different now. Thank you for sharing your story. :) it certainly is a slow journey. 6-8 out of 10 pain everyday as well. Just about off my pain meds now which I hope is the right decision.
  • I have been dealing with fibromyalgia chronic pain for over 35 years. When I was first diagnosed I went through a very difficult few years were I gained a lot of weight and just couldn’t function. Then I decided to volunteer at my local library. Just a few hours a week, one day a week. It was just greeting people at the boutique in the kitchen Rory. One day an elderly man came in and we talked for most of my two hours. When he was leaving, he thanked me for taking the time to give him a smile and talk to him. He said it made his day as he was very lonely. I realized that everyone is dealing with their own kind of pain. I find helping others gives me a great deal of gratification and makes me feel worthwhile. I am fortunate to have wonderful friends and family who support me. I still suffer severely every minute of every day, but try to keep as busy as possible. I swim and do yoga, and try to watch fun or uplifting movies. I also surround myself with positive people. I do have days where I just want to feel sorry for myself, but try not to dwell on it. This is a great video. You are a wonderful inspiration to everyone. Take care of yourself. Big hugs from Canada❤️🇨🇦😊
  • @ams3344
    I have so much pain it hurts to wear clothes I've lost all my friends my job hobbies etc. I can't work I'm exhausted all the time and welcome death I wish I had a friend like this guy who didn't abandon his friend when he needed him the most I feel like most chronic pain patients live in isolation if they are single.
  • I don’t have to imagine. It happened to me back in 2018 A gynecological surgery left me with chronic pain- very painful chronic pain I take Cymbalta- I still have pain but the medication keeps me from losing my mind.
  • the life pain part that you said is not personal was a great statement because like me nobody considers anything personal till it happens to them or someone they love
  • Please have Jack on more. I have been in constant excruciating pain for 38 years. Great video
  • @annablennow3889
    Im so sorry Jack. Im suffering too. It fels like glas or knives in my throat. Can be some nervrological issues. It’s not psychological, but still under investigation. I can’t live like this. I’m most of the time in bed. You are the first person that has shared in YouTube what extreme chronic pain is like. Just not common chronic pain. It’s important to tell and spreading awareness. Maybe the millionaires spend money for painscience instead of traveling to other planets. Thank you!
  • @kroenke859
    Thank you Jack for being brave enough to post this. Funny enough my name is Jack and I’ve been going through pain for about 8 years now. I love what you said about the multiple years of losing yourself for a while during the pain. To me it’s because you lose who you used to be. It’s hard to let go of the past. But yeah thanks for letting this be filmed and spreading how you’ve dealt with it. Much love!
  • I'm pretty sure I just joined the long-term chronic pain ranks. I always thought there would be some sort of magic technique if this happened like breathing exercises or visualization, but now I'm finding out that basically, it just sucks. I'm trying to find some kind of acceptance just so I don't completely lose the will to live. It doesn't help that the painful injury that is now put of control, originally was intentionally inflicted on me by someone who was abusive toward me when I was a child. So I'm trying to find some sort of acceptance, but any and all lost productivity just feels like her "winning" still.
  • @salt_h2o_girl
    Love this video and I'm so glad you didn't cut anything out! I was in a near fatal car accident and have been in pain ever since. 10 years of daily pain of varying degrees. The bowl technique is a wonderful idea!! I'm going to implement it into my own life!
  • @lauraann4014
    I have had chronic head pain after a bad accident, been disabled for 21 years now,still not used to it.
  • @Jaded57
    I was a vibrant working 42 year old, just built our family dream home and we were raising four children…. A drunk driver hit me, broke everything from my neck down to my feet… 20 years later getting ready for surgery number 11… it destroyed my marriage, changed my relationship with every child, and now I don’t know who the hell I am anymore…. The pain never leaves. It’s relentless. No sleep, no living, no enjoyment …. 💔 I thought one more surgery and I’m done…. Meds, injections, patches, acupuncture… I cannot fathom being positive for more than an hour or so, because I’m on a maximum dose of a high opioid and then the pain returns …
  • @Tracy-rf7ri
    I know a lot about allydonia. Woke up after surgery and had it going on 14 yrs now. It's hell, I know
  • @jeunevoyageur
    I'm 33, I have ulcerative colitis, epilepsy. Lost all my parents one being my dad recently. Was recently told I was also anemic, being born with a high metabolism my body is unable to obsorb nutrients. Lack of energy, breathlessness. Been in and out of hospital which has effected my job and pretty much my life. Its hard but im a fighter and will continue to fight. I'm planning to move soon so having small positive thoughts, even if I just smile can make a huge difference. Yeah if you want to interview me I'd be down for it :)
  • @lenahughes1627
    Thanks for making this. I have suffered from chronic pain since 2011! An accident left my with persistent sciatic pain down my right leg. Every day is a battle . I still work PT I really do struggle but it's my dogs that give me so much joy and reasons to not give up. X
  • @finley1210
    Thank you for this video! I'm 8 yrs in to my journey of life altering horrific chronic pain and I don't think I've quite come out the otherside, but I'm getting there. Ironically, I too was a social worker before this happened so a lot of who I was and how I felt was based on helping others. I love the idea of the indoor and outdoor bowls. I'm going to start implementing that. I wish there was a way to connect to Jack personally. I hope he sees this and knows how helpful that was. His positivity is inspiring and I thank you both. Jack, you've helped me so thank you!
  • @oxoxchinaxoxo
    Thank you so much for this video! I've been suffering with chronic pain for years and it's so encouraging to hear Jack's story. I'm definitely going to try the activity bowls, such a brilliant idea!
  • @DanRaines
    I have done few interviews before and sometimes you have to let the camera run. Otherwise you loose the heart of what is being shared. This is a great story to share. The length is simple what it needed to be.