The Evolution, Lore and Cut Content of the NCR Rangers

Published 2024-05-07
This video explores the lore, evolution and cut content of the NCR Rangers, tracing their roots all the back to the Desert Rangers of Wasteland, the companion Tycho's link to them in Fallout, the founding of the NCR Rangers in Fallout 2, their ill-fated appearances in Van Buren and Exodus, their limelight in New Vegas, their potential destruction in the Fallout TV show, Fallout 76, the official board game, glitches, inspirations, oversights and more!

#Falloutlore, #Fallout, #NCRRangers

00:00 Wasteland
00:47 Fallout - Desert Rangers
4:45 Fallout 2 - NCR Rangers
9:09 Fallout 3 - Van Buren
10:40 Josh Sawyer's Tabletop RPG
11:15 Exodus
12:23 New Vegas - Mojave Outpost and The Ranger Unification Treaty
15:24 The Mojave Campaign and The First Battle of Hoover Dam
18:26 Ranger Recruitment
24:10 Civilian and Patrol Rangers
26:36 Veteran Rangers
31:08 NCR Emergency Radio
35:04 Broken Stuff
37:37 Chief Hanlon
46:41 Fallout 76, New California Expansion and TV Show

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All Comments (21)
  • @TriangleCity
    This was originally a section of a Wasteland script that had become way too long, so I split it into several videos, including this one and the recent Meantime video. My next video will probably be on the original Wasteland or F3 cut content :)
  • @Maxsmack
    the fact that technically they're a prewar faction has always made it more understandable they go toe toe with BoS Paladins on the regular. They have built up literal centuries of mythos, culture, and training.
  • @HamanKarn567
    I always liked the Desert Rangers idea more than the ncr military branch but then unified. Would have been cool to have a few character in game who didn't go along with the unification treaty. I know a popular companion mod is about that but still.
  • @RoachDoggJr2112
    I actually consider Wasteland to be canon to the fallout universe, taking place only within a couple decades after the Great War.
  • @FlymanMS
    42:08 “Yep. That’s me. You probably wonder how I ended up in this situation”
  • @uber3712
    I love the fact that the rangers holding the half-life one shotgun and the Half-Life 2 pistol
  • @andrewwendt3375
    just before I fell asleep too you KNOW I'm staying up to watch
  • Ah a tiny but not really important error (well, more of a missed thing) at 23:18. The Ranger Takedown is an open palm strike in first person, but it's a leg sweep in third person. It's not directly stated, but I think this is a reference to Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick in Walker: Texas Ranger.
  • Monster of the East? I've got the Monster of the West right here.
  • @nitesy381
    the lines make me think what a fallout rts will look like
  • @bbluva20
    Kind of ironic that the option that represents the most justice for Hanlon's actions, is the one that seemingly destroys the spirit and capabilities of the Rangers. I have no desire to see Hanlon dead from shooting himself, but what he did by mixing communications via radio resulted in a LOT of death and suffering. An entire ranger station wiped out, with one Ranger forced to fight to the death in an arena until she is inevitably killed. Other ranger stations so undersupplied they might have to abandon the station. Reports from other ranger stations on enemy troop movements being ignored, leading to the death of who knows how many soldiers. It's even implied that Camp Bitter Springs is completely cut off from support due at least in part to Hanlon's meddling, a place full of not just civilians, but people who've suffered some of the worst Legion treatment and somehow escaped. So I have to choose with letting Hanlon go on a lie, with nobody being punished for these crimes that so many people suffered under Or Telling the truth, and having one of the best leaders in the NCR and the remaining free world, kill himself in shame; the fallout of which cripples perhaps the best, most honest, selfless fighting force in the wastelands, which would definitely result in even more suffering, and other crimes going unpunished. Honestly one of the hardest choices to make, and one of the best examples of interconnected world-building. Of course, I only say this in hindsight, seeing the ending slides about Hanlon and realizing just how far reaching these consequences are. Oh and it's from one of the most annoying quests in the game from a gameplay perspective. Taking forever to find all the locations, or instantly finished by just fast traveling to them all, with no combat or skill checks involved.
  • Love your content man, you save me from thinking I’ve gone crazy because I played new Vegas on release day and until your videos there was assets removed to make space for the DLC but I had no proof existed like the NPC’s at searchlight
  • @putinsoupin5094
    Man.. i cannot stress it enough but TC's videos have seriously been helpful when going through a hard time, If im feeling down i just pop on a vid and escape from the world for a short time. Thank you Triangle City
  • @DeAtHPoInT9
    Whenever I play FNV I always role as a desert ranger, helping the desperate people of the Mojave, fulfilling my service like the good desert ranger that I am. These days I have seen that the community has great appreciation for this faction, from making mods to have companions or putting them in hoi4 the OldworldBlues mod, I personally am working on a project to expand the lore of the desert rangers in the fallout universe and put them back in FNV. Thanks for the great video you made talking in general about the rangers :)
  • @CV33Games
    I remember when I first got the NCR radio. The first time I used it in a battle, the battle was over before they showed up lol
  • @dillydraws
    you know what they say about Rangers. Rangers lead the way.
  • Hanlon's ending is further proof that Independent is optimal. Oliver gets all the blame. NCR arrogance is gut checked. House doesn't get to be a dictator. Legion crumbles.
  • @williamholt3373
    I’m just eatin otter pops and this guy drops another one. Thank you triangle ❤