Camille Paglia 1995 interview

Published 2018-07-12
Dear Camille,
we're still waiting for your debate with
a) Naomi Wolf
b) Gloria Steinem
c) Slavoj Zizek

All Comments (21)
  • “You don’t know how bad it is” In 1995, the idea that basically all of academia’s position would be anti-western culture was unbelievable, but here we are. She called it.
  • “Are you happy ?” “No not until I reform academia, which will take another 20 years” 20 years later, we’ve slipped further into degradation
  • @john5150.
    It's 2019 and I only just discovered Camille. I am so grateful. She is so bold, so smart, and so confident. I love her arguments on personal responsibility, free thought, and free speech. I'm on board with her with everything. Her message is more important than ever today.
  • @khoroatos
    her fiery and vivid expression, twitchy mannerisms, merciless paradigmatic intellect, self-assured and assertive personality. god i am just infatuated
  • @chopin65
    Another "20 years". That's so adorable. Not only has her laudable reform failed but it has been murdered by postmodern assassins and buried next to the ashes of the Western Canon. I love you, Camila. You are my Wild Child Goddess. Long may you live and teach diversity of thought. Long may you rant and fire off truth like an assault rifle of learning. Long may you up hold and champion free expression of ideas. Long may you inspire young minds. Long may you frustrate, offend, confound, and destroy the thought police of academia, that seek to put braces on the brains of American college students. Long may you wake the "woke". Thanks. You are the best.
  • @firouz4296
    Her feminism is uplifting! She empowers women to be their best without being a victim. She has been my hero since 1990. I am super happy to have had Paglia shape my understanding of feminism.
  • Although Camille Paglia identifies herself as a feminist (albeit a dissident one) certain SJW editors on Wikipedia are actively and relentlessly reverting any reference to her as a feminist in her introductory description. This is because the radical left do not want her recognised as a feminist. This misrepresentation of Camille results in her Google description reading only as "academic and social critic". If any of you are wikipedia editors - fight the good fight and help keep an eye on these ideological wiki-warriors who are persistently re-shaping reality to adhere to their 'campus lenses'.
  • @carycimino7699
    I have loved her for years even though I’m a straight man and she is a gay women I would go out with her and try to make it work
  • @RMHVids
    she looks pretty fine here ngl
  • @fernandonaumann
    My favorite intellectual as well! I scour YouTube for her videos and I'm glad this one's been recently posted. Thanks! :)
  • @bresophil
    Such a treasure. I'm so glad I discovered her. Changed so much of how I see the world. May she live forever
  • @lastsonshine
    this interview is the greatest thing i've ever seen
  • Camille predicted WOKENESS far before we all became aware of it. 2024 we all see what she said that came to fruition. If only more could have been done about it!!
  • Oh, the irony, considering the harassment subject matter. Charlie Rose 🤭😂 Camille rules. She was ABSOLUTELY prophetic about the damnation of the West in academe, which Charlie Rose, at that time, did not believe was even possible. He has been proven a fool in more ways than one.
  • @moviereviews1446
    Whether or not you agree with what she says, one must admire how she says what she believes so fearlessly and with such conviction.
  • @jabrown
    Every time Camille Paglia says "okay", take a shot, okay? You'll be drunk in no time, okay?