The Best Order to Do Exercises

In this QUAH Sal, Adam, & Justin answer the question “If I were to dedicate a workout only to the essential five (squat, deadlift, bench, row, and overhead press), what order would you do them in?”

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“The Best Order to Do Exercises“
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コメント (21)
  • Push - Bench, OHP, Squat, DIP Pull - Deadlift, Rows, Pullups/pulldown Complete workout!
  • @skevbeats
    My favorite quick full body is 3 sets bench, 3 sets rows, 3 sets squats. Mix in push ups, curls, shoulder press, etc between sets. Can do it in 30 minutes and I feel fully engaged
  • Agree that this would be a great workout on its own. Only thing I would add is pull-ups to really bring along lat development.
  • You guys have been instrumental in me starting my journey in resistance training. The information you all share is so easily digestable and I'm so grateful.
  • I found that squats/deadlifts eat up a lot more energy. In a 5x5 setup, I'd always start with bench, then squat/deadlift, then everything else. From experience, if I started with squat/deadlift, my bench performance would suffer, every time.
  • That is my routine! I just add some pull downs / pull ups and do only 4 sets. A curls and a crunches. Recently I have figured Sals point out and now I do Deadlift, Pulldown, Bench as Workout A and Squat, Row and OHP as workout B.
  • I think it comes down to what exercise you want to progress on faster. If I want a P. R on OHP, I'll start with OHP. This goes without saying.
  • In the past (High School) I lifted MWF Workout A: - Fromt Squat or Back Squat 5x5 - Bench Press 3x5 - Pendlay Row 3x5 * band face pull x200 total * I would focus 1 month on BS and next on FS and just rotate. Sometimes squat to a box Workout B: - Deadlift 1x5 - Press 5x5 - Weighted Chin Up 5x5 * band face pull x200 Off Day: - walk for 30 min or - jump rope 20sec fast 40sec rest for 10-15 min All off season sports prep
  • @kire115
    Workout A - Squat, Row, Bench Workout B - Squat, OHP, Deadlift --- Good sequence that has worked for me.
  • I currently lift 4 days a week, dividing into 2 pull days and 2 push days. On pull days, I do deadlift, bentover row, lateral pulldown, bicep curl, and posterior delt raise. On push days, I do weighted squat, shoulder press, bench press, tricep pulldown, and lateral raises. I use weights that I could lift 5-6 times for 5-6 sets. They might not be 100% fullbody, but I could really feel stronger and healthier.
  • @dyfahey
    I would do Squat, Row(or pull-ups), Bench then Deadlift. Since squats and deads are the most taxing on my back and require the most concentration, I make sure I have as long a gap in between them as possible. Plus with rows in between it gets me prepped for being in a bent over position and is a good transition with a weight that's not as heavy as squats or deads.
  • @bean3774
    I basically did a form of this for a 6 weeks one time except I added in Pull Ups and my order was Squat, Deadlift, OHP, Pull Ups, Bench then Row. I found that my low back would fatigue too much if I tried to row right after deadlifts and I realized that I could lift heavy ohp without killing my bench but if I lifted heavy bench first, my ohp was basically poo after. And I also like hitting opposite right after each other so adding pull ups for a vertical pull after doing ohp as a vertical press just made sense in my head. Eventually I made the OHP and Pull Ups a superset as well as the Bench Press and Rows to cut down on time. All apart of the journey though. Sometimes we overthink our training when in reality finding a routine you can be consistent with is key. It’s a journey not a race.
  • Guys thank you so much for all information u share with us!!!!
  • Squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press, rows(low) imo. Alternate the stress on your lower back so it can rest. Squats first because it the least stressful of the 3 on your back, and it gets the blood flowing better. Deadlifts in the middle because it’s most stressful and then go light stress on the end. Bench second because overhead press Will tire your shoulders and you wouldn’t be able to bench as much.
  • @cw9515
    Squat Bench press Deadlift Bent over row Overhead press That’s my order all on the barbell
  • @1td205
    My split is: Bench and deadlift in one workout. Squat, press, row next workout. If you get both of those in every week, you're good. Then I make sure to throw in chin ups/pull ups sometime during the week as well.
  • I wonder if you could cut down the risk factor by doing doing different transitions like: squat, bench, deadlift, press, and row? That way you are transitioning from upper to lower, giving each section somewhat more of a recovering time (obviously completing full sets of each) and that way you wouldn't be fatigued doing 2 protocols in the same area? Something I might try... keeping in mind ofcourse the weight adjustment as they suggested to avoid injury.
  • Watching this new information right after a deadlift squat routine. Better late than never