Russia's neighbor has extensive network of bunkers with impressive amenities

CNN's Nic Robertson tours an underground bunker in Helsinki, Finland, housed in a parking garage. The Finnish capital's bunkers can shelter more than 900,000 people.

#CNN #News

コメント (21)
  • Impressed but not surprised, Finland is one of the great countries that care for their citizens!
  • As a Finn who used to live in Helsinki but is currently living abroad, this video kinda makes me want to go back. Used to go to these places all the time and it didn't feel like a big deal at the time.
  • The percentage of disasterbunkers per citizen is mandated by law. But let me just add a bit more other laws about finnish craziness to the mix.. In Finland highways are strategically built so that they go through solid rock corridors every so often - purpose is that in case of invasion these corridors will be blown to block the highways. Also all highway junctions are built by law in a manner that they can / will be mined and cannot be bypassed around. Its almost stupidly funny how engrained it is to us to "be prepared just in case" but thats what ~300 years of being a battleground between Sweden-Russia and and living in a rough climate causes.
  • As a Finn I found this video interesting in showing how much we take for granted. I've been to many of these bunkers for sports etc but never really paid a second thought to them. There are numerous smaller ones all around in different cities, and many apartment buildings have their own bomb shelter too. It feels so normal I just expected every country to have them.
  • As an American, I am very impressed with the immense size bunkers in Finland! You guys are one tough people! My hats off to your nation!!
  • City planners across Europe should take note of how public infrastructure, can serve a dual purpose. Excellent Finland.
  • Everything in Finland is built to withstand war, invasion from east. All the communication equipment, critical servers are located in bunkers. Roads can be blocked with bridges, bridges must collapse neatly with explosives to deter advancement and roads have been built funnel like, easy to cover with artillery. The reason is, we were not ready 1939, it did cost a lot of Finnish lives. After it, we have had a law to get ready, next invasion is going to cost too much no sense of trying. Joining Nato is the final jewel, we decide who comes here.
  • @Izzology
    I'm moving to Finland, how awesome is it that their government is prepared to look after their people this way. Kiitos Finland!
  • As a Russian citizen if I would live in the country like this, that provides every possibility to develop your kids, if someone invades, it's worth to die for. Well done, Finland. You're not my enemies and never will be no matter what "our" propaganda says.
  • Wow, I had no idea. Not only is Finland terrific in hockey, protecting their citizens with an incredible underground bunker system is mindblowing too. I look forward to Finland joining NATO. Love from Canada!
  • I am a FinnKenyan and I love Finland❤. We trust in the institution. They value their people.
  • @gluchnui
    2 countries so close geographically yet so far mentally...
  • I live in Central America . Our basic infrastructure is terrible. Amazing to see what good governance looks like . I can see why these countries have some of the happiest people on earth .
  • The Finns are very smart. They read the likely situation 50 years ago. Well done.
  • The more I learn about Finland, the more I wish I lived there. Smart, and with wise leadership.
  • Having the shelter open to the public during peacetime and using it to host family and children's activities serves a important purpose. Citizens and children especially will associate the shelter with positive memories, reducing fear and anxiety, and giving a sense of comfort and safety in the event they ever have to be used for shelter.
  • The Finns have made all the right social choices for themselves since the Winter War. I am very, very impressed with them and the scale of the infrastructure shown in this report. Absolutely flabbergasted that something like that exists. I'm Canadian and I am very, very happy and proud to call the Finns allies.
  • @dand7763
    The Finland program for their kindergartens start to be implemented in kindergartens in Romania , our kids start to develop themselves with the help of our teachers following the finnish model ! in some years we will be at the level of Finland regarding raising smart kids!