Buying a Betta FISH || Because WHY NOT?

Published 2020-07-03
I bought a fish...

Why? Because why not.
Did I spend way to much money? YES
Do I regret buying a betta fish? NO

Fish Tank (Fluval 5 Gallon Chi Fish Tank)…

Although I made jokes I properly set up the tank and bought everything that was recommended to take care of a Betta Fish. (Including the heater)

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All Comments (21)
  • Hello everyone! I have been replying to comments individually but I want to make this public and known to all the viewers of this video 1. I have done my research on Betta fish and have done more since posting this video. I would like to add that I DID return to the original store with the very informative employee and I did follow her recommendations 2. I bought a 5 gallon tank which is absolutely sufficient for a Betta fish. 3. The tank has a light, a filter and I bought a heater! 4. I have purchased many plants for my betta to hide and explore. 5. I take pride in giving my pets the best life I can give them. 6. I thank everyone who has given me advise and let’s remember that we all make mistakes even as parents to children. I want to thank you all for your concerns. To UPDATE YOU my fish is very much alive and seems to be very happy and lively (his colour is vibrant and he is very active)
  • @dotdot550
    Before you get any pet, even fish, you need to do the research. Fish are not decorations. They’re living things. Just because they can survive in a bowl doesn’t mean that they’re gonna thrive. Betta fish can grow up to three inches. They’re small but they need big tanks. 5 gallons is the minimum. 10 gallons is good if you want to add some tank mate but do your research before adding tank mates. Also, the bigger the tank the better because you don’t need to clean it as much, but do water changes at least once a week. If you keep it in a small bowl, you’d need to clean it like almost everyday. You should search up cycling a tank to have a better understanding of things. When you do, you’ll understand why you can’t but a fish in a tank you set up the same day. I also bought a 10 gallon tank for 10 dollars from petco. It was a dollar per gallon :)
  • @AndreaNoellie
    Good on the employee for advising you and I do hope you continue to do proper research research on how to care for bettas. There should be more employees who are open to want to properly educate customers and the customer should be open to wanting to follow their advice. Because at the end of the day you’ll be definitely be spending more that 10.00 on a fish and it’s better to be prepared because if there’s casualties, you’re essentially throwing money down the toilet along with your dead fish. Bettas are amazing fish, but just as any pet they require time, money, and a base knowledge of care. Also not sure if you did improve on your fish’s set up but I’d strongly encourage you to get a heater. Bettas are tropical fish and they’re happy in water 75-80 F. If not, it hinders proper digestion and diseases such as dropsy can occur. Also plants. I can’t stress this enough. An easy plant are ones like java ferns than can rest on rocks and not be put into substrate. Bettas, especially with those with large fins tire out easily swimming in open water and need plants, rocks, or wood to rest on. Mopani wood is a great option and my bettas love it. Welcome to the betta world! These are unfortunately extremely misunderstood fish which is why you’re getting a lot of backlash for your video as they are finally getting the respect that these fish deserve. Over the years, bettas have been treated more and ornamental rather than a living being who deserves proper love and care. There’s plenty of resources you can use and I’d highly encourage you to join sites like Reddit and join the betta group on there. I’ve been keeping bettas for over ten years and out of all the internet communities they are the most helpful.
  • @irisruth8725
    this was the most infuriating thing i’ve ever watched. it’s really not that hard to just set aside a little time to do your research before getting a pet, no matter what it is. it isn’t just a fish, it’s a life and it deserves the best life possible. people like this really get me riled up lol
  • @courtneyy56
    I’ve never seen betta fish in actual aquariums at the store. Kind of impressed
  • @rorin.4798
    For once a pet store employee knew what they were doing, and was actually knowledgeable about fish, yet she was ignored by someone who doesn't have any interest in the fish's well being. Just because you've never cycled a tank before, or you've had bettas that survived in a bowl before, doesn't mean that it is appropriate husbandry. Keyword survived because that betta definitely did not thrive in a bowl OR tank that hasn't been cycled.
  • I’m glad the first lady didn’t give you a fish, you don’t know how to care for it.
  • @adelynnahlm6483
    I love how in this pet store they actually keep them in good quality water.Also reasonable Sized tanks
  • @Briannnaaaa
    Right when the Petsmart employees told her that the tank had to run for two weeks that is 100% true you need to cycle through for it to be safe and she just let it breeze right over her head and completely ignored her
  • @ashokazuni9966
    Oh gosh this is hard to watch, the girl at the first store was completely right there is so much new info on betta fish, keeping them in bowls with no heater and such is cruel and outdated info. As someone who both works in a pet shop and has six aquariums myself plus rescues and rehabilitates bettas its hard to watch. I recommend you do some heavy research if you ever decide to get fish again. Most people don't realize fish should live for years ( unless they have bad genetics). Goldfish for example should live at least 8 years. I know you said you were joking in the description, but I find that hard to believe. Glad you at least got a great size for him to start.
  • @whyamihere6201
    I get how it can be upsetting to learn that you’re way over your head when it comes to an “easy” pet you want, but it’s just immature to be unwilling to learn. Especially when it comes to the well-being of another living being, and you let your fragile ego get in the way. 10 gallons is normal, cycling is important, heating is important. It’s important to learn how to care for an animal, a living animal, rather than just settling for giving it a low quality and shortened life. Props to the pet store employee, she had the fishes well being in mind.
  • @trinidyjones8991
    You totally gave me comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one that thought it was ok to buy a betta and put it in a tank 1st day. Back in my 20s, I'm now 48, I bought a betta and put it in a bowl. Yes, because thats what we did in the 90s. No heateror filter. It lived over 6 months. I couldn't figure out why he was always jumping out. NOW I know why. Flash forward to 2023, I decided I wanted a betta. Holy moly I have learned so much on youtube. I'm currently cycling my tank, in 2nd week and preparing to purchase a betta when it's done cycling. The wait is killing me. Glad I decided to do research and not what I did back in the 90s. Lol... and yes its expensive. I'm already in over 300.00 bucks. Ha!
  • @ratgirl01
    you definitely didn’t do “everything recommended” because it takes weeks to properly cycle a tank, you also shouldn’t have dumped that cup water into the tank. that water is usually so high in ammonia, but hey i guess that will jumpstart your fish-in cycle...! i hope you know how to do water changes and how often, and i hope you will properly monitor the cycling process so your fish doesn’t die during it. and on top of everything, you guys didn’t wear masks in public🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Your literally what’s wrong with people. Lol. Under educated won’t listen to those who actually know things. Your the person I dread having to deal with 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • This is so painful to watch. You didn't cycle the tank, you got the fish on the same day as the tank, you didn't let the fish adjust to the new tank water and instead just plopped him in there, you scoffed at the information you were given and you just think that's ok. I don't even know what to say to you.
  • @OlivernMaple
    It will die in 48 hours if you don't cycle your tank and I like how the store employee knows more about betta fish than the person buying it like you.
  • Theres no where for that fish to hide in your tank, it's so barren. I'd suggest adding more plants so your fish can explore and hide away if he gets stressed. Also ik everyone in here has already said it but you needed to cycle your tank first - you can do a fish in cycle but I've found those to be very stressful. Gl :)