Whiplash (2014) The final scene

Published 2015-01-16
The final song,caravan, of "Whiplash" with the drum solo by Andrew(Miles Teller)

All Comments (21)
  • @Cubdriver88
    The real hero is the bass player who just rolled with it
  • I love how they made a movie about drumming, something mostly only drummers would care about and made it the most interesting thing you've ever seen to just about anyone
  • This scene is literally the definition of flow state. You could tell everything around him is just in the background and Andrew is just able to completely kill it. The part where the music stops and he keeps playing just gives me chills.
  • @DoctorCyan
    Probably the only movie I’ve ever seen where the villain wins and it still feels like the happiest ending
  • @DavidsonPaulo
    I loved the fact that the movie ends right at the end of the song, without showing the applauses. Because the applauses were the last thing Andrew were interested in. All he wanted was to be great, and he knew he was when Fletcher smiled at him. This is the best movie ending I ever seen, and the whole movie is a masterpiece. Brilliant!
  • @LexusTX
    This movie is a masterpiece and an all time classic and it’s even more insane that miles teller only got paid $8,000 for his role. He probably knew it would be great exposure for his career.
  • What always struck me about this movie is the fact that jazz is the genre it centers around. Jazz by nature is free flowing and smooth, not clunky and restrictive like other genres. Jazz allows for the most improvisation, so it is striking to see such a rigid legalist like fletcher teach it.
  • @lightwhited47
    Bruh this ending was literally a dude playing the drums for 9 minutes and I actually love it
  • @mary-gx5cl
    the way the father’s face drops as he watches in shock and a bit of horror at his son while fletcher smiles at the monster he has created. absolutely genius!
  • @Nubenhoofer
    This scene never fails to impress. Movies aren't dead as long as ones like this are still being produced.
  • What people fail to realize is fletcher created the Andrew. His dad is horrified of how Andrew won’t stop for anything to become the best and I love that.
  • Something that I think is overlooked here is that Fletcher is no longer in charge of his own band for Caravan. Andrew is conducting, driving the song forward with his beat. He needs no conductor, no tempo, he is pushing the band to the beat of his drum. All Fletcher can do is just watch. Fletcher has lost control. This is both empowering to Andrew and worrying, as Fletcher has sort of filled Andrew with his entire philosophy. Fletcher is replaced by his creation. Of course, the scariest part about this is that Fletcher is happy to lose control. He smiles as he sits back and lets Andrew lead. He wanted Andrew to do this, to become like him: a brutal perfectionist.
  • @gigachad9016
    “What are you doing man?” That’s when everyone knew Fletcher became truly impressed and surprised
  • @cjroberts6958
    The shot where his dad's face goes from concern for his son to do well to the realisation of what is occurring before his eyes as he looks through the door at 6:37 is absolutely unlike anything I've ever seen or felt. The realisation of witnessing the birth of world talent and the destruction of his son at the same time is subtle and haunting.
  • @waspoptic
    For me personally, my favourite part is 5:15. The lights had dimmed and yet Andrew keeps playing despite Fletcher wanting to close it out, and as a surprise, he comes over with a look of genuine concern. He wasn't expecting Andrew to continue, nor did he want him to, since Fletcher doubted if he could even finish the whole thing. He looks genuinely concerned for Andrew because everything prior was great, but Andrew is striding for perfection, something Fletcher wasn't prepared for but ultimately decides to put his faith in Andrew's hands. Whether thats true or not, eh whatever, but thats the interpretation I have from this
  • @thefilmpoets
    I dont understand how Jazz can be more intense than Metal, but there it is.
  • @AsianVideoGamer
    From, "I'll gouge out your eyeballs!" To "let me fix that stand for you"... All in 10mins
  • There's so much psychological depth to this scene it's incredible. I love the cymbal hit near Fletcher's face. Both actors played it so well. It was the moment of Andrews realization that he never really needed approval from Fletcher to be great, he merely needed to believe it himself. It marks an inflection point in one's life after which nothing can be the same when the social balance of power has shifted.
  • i love how involved the entire band is while playing caravan, you dont see any single instument being left out, everyone is needed to make it sound as good as it does