Living With Misophonia | Sarah & Nate

Published 2020-08-28
In this video we talk about Sarah's experience living with Misophonia and Nate's experience dating someone with Misophonia, enjoy!

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All Comments (16)
  • @RuthandThomas
    Thank you so much for sharing. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be when people downplay or discredit what you're going through. I had a roommate who had a genuine phobia of balloons and people often treated it as a joke. She would try to play it off, but usually ended up in tears. Glad that you have a partner to support you through it! That is such a blessing!
  • @kristinlee40
    I have misophonia and it destroyed every relationship I was in. Now I feel like there is no one out there for me. I'm not okay with it, I've just accepted it because no-one understands it. I don't want to go to a restaurant because all the clicking on the plate and God forbid someone scrapes a fork. I hate hearing popcorn bags crunching in the movies. I hate snoring, breathing hard, I hate shoes squeaking on the basketball court. Pen clicking's don't bother me as much because they don't last long. I hate when people swish water bottles when they drink from it, smacking, or even the sound of it mixing around in the mouth. ASMR EVERYTHING! It's a miserable lonely life.
  • I had never heard of Misophonia until you talked to me about it, and this video was so helpful for giving insight into what you deal with, Sarah! I love the way you have learned to advocate for yourself and Nate, the care and thought you put into helping Sarah is really beautiful to see. You guys are such good teammates and I love y'all both so much <3
  • I know why it doesn’t bother me when I do it but it does when others do. I know I can stop it, whereas I have the fear they’ll keep doing it if I ask them to stop
  • @hoodwiz
    Hello Sarah. Thank you so much for educating those of us who had no idea of the name for this condition. I know it’s common that many people hate listening to others sounds of eating, but had no idea it’s classified as a mental condition. May I ask are there any musical sounds or genres of music that irritate you?
  • @emmaberger3748
    I’ve called my boyfriend a “sensory nightmare” in terms of sounds he makes and I’m worried for us tbh. Didn’t realize I had sensory issues or misophonia until dating him. But he’s lovely and understanding. Idk. Hope we can work something out
  • @albal-v3869
    I know i'm super late to comment but: ear defenders and sleep ear plugs are great in situatons where you need noises to sound less harsh or only drown out the quiet noises. For example if a teacher is talking to a quiet classroom and i put my ear defenders on i can hear the teacher less but i can't hear people writing and the sirens 3 streets away. They're also great for keeping a level head fir slightly longer periods of time to get out of triggering situations. Hope that helps someone :)
  • @emmaberger3748
    YES I feel this. Idk why it’s mostly when other people do something. I think it’s an attention filtering thing
  • @darkerbrother1
    Sarah this how you can tell Nate loves you for you. He accepts you just the way you are
  • I have misophonia too! My partner wants me to do therapy of some sort, most recently he suggested psilocybin therapy. My sister has is too and has tried hypnosis and other therapies to no avail. I’m not sure what to do! Huge relationship issue.
  • @alicewisdom1
    Are you guys still together? Did misophonia tear you apart? My partner of two years has misophonia and it's absolutely brutal. I'm nearing the end of my rope, honestly. I do everything I can to not make the trigger noises but it's never enough.
  • @Zsazsa420
    am i the only one who kinda thinks the dude is saying mmmhmmmm with an attitude? like hes sick of hearing this and just wants her to shut up? his mmmmmhmmmm-ing is buggin me now. i have misophonia too sarah, im sorry, i feel you big time.
  • My wife must have a level of Misphonia B/C she tells me I’m noises when I eat, so I go to the table to eat as she sit a on the couch with the TV.