Portal 2 - The Moron Theory

Published 2022-02-07

All Comments (21)
  • @red_seamus8119
    My favorite part of Chell's lore is that one of the developers stated that she isn't actually mute, she just is so pissed off all the time in both games that she just refuses to speak
  • @spookd8700
    GLaDOS's line,"I have an infinite capacity of knowledge and even I'm not sure what's going on up there" will always give me chills.
  • Wheatley actually is the smartest person in the Portal series. His plan to use Chell to escape the facility is solid, his plan to disable GLaDOS' offensive capabilities is more effective than anything Aperture's best scientists ever came up with, and his plans to kill Chell indeed would have been foolproof had Chell not reactivated the gel pipes in the deepest cores of Aperture, which he probably didn't know about. Despite GLaDOS' claim that Wheatley was designed to generate terrible ideas, most of his ideas are actually really good, he is just clumsy and ineffective at execution. Really telling as to what Aperture scientists think a "moron" is- someone who has good ideas but is bad at executing them. The exact opposite of Cave Johnson- a man with horrible ideas but is god-tier at executing them.
  • @leightonpetty4817
    As a fun fact about Cave and early Aperture: He didn’t start off with his “throw science at the wall and see what sticks” mentality. He actually did have a specific aim to all that science at first. The Portal Gun actually came from attempts to invent “the next evolution in shower curtains.” They accidentally invented reality-breaking quantum teleportation in the process.
  • "we do what we must, because we can." is, in retrospect, the most perfect description of aperture science as a whole
  • @ivangenc
    My favorite moron in the game is the Fact Sphere with "facts" like: -To make a photocopier, simply photocopy a mirror -William Shakespeare did not exist. His plays were masterminded in 1589 by Francis Bacon, who used an Ouija board to enslave play-writing ghosts. -The Schrödinger's cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrödinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats.
  • @P0nyB3h0ldr
    I think it’s unfair to say that GLaDOS’s violence comes from a place of stupidity. More so her fragmented agonizing memories of getting dumped into a computer against her will.
  • 13:00 To be fair, there is a cut line. Caroline says things like "Please, I don't want this Mr. Johnson. I don't want this!" In and increasingly emphasized and desperate tone. Caroline pleads as to not be put into GLaDOS. She really doesn't want it. Out of rage, she tries to gas the scientists who did that to her to death, which then leads to the cores getting plugged into her to dampen her hostility. So it wasn't as much really going power mad because she was a moron, as it was blind rage.
  • @roble8943
    "I can't think of single smart or well informed decision Cave Johnson has ever made" In the level editor that take place in diffrent alternate universe (but still canon as a grand Half-Life multiverse), the universe where Cave Johnson bought out Black Mesa had him explain that he stopped the Xen research projects to not risk a Resonance Cascade. Cave despite being a moron, is canonically smarter than every single person in Black Mesa.
  • @Natycik
    Well, there were cut voicelines about how Caroline didn't want to be put into a computer (she was begging him to not do this to her). Johnson litteraly did the same thing to her as he did to the experiments of Apperture: "Throwing science at a wall and see what sticks". I always assumed that she poisoned the scientists with neurotoxin because she was furious. They basically pit her through hell by doing this to her so she took revenge.
  • @Lunarcreeper
    fun fact: the turrets in the factory being boxed are never actually shipped, they're immediately sent to an unboxing machine to discard to box. this is according to the developer commentary, it's hilarious
  • @sfisabbt
    In the "bring your daughter to work day" section, we see that one of the potatoes was Chell's. The potato has grown enormous and on the board, Chell has written "special ingredient from dad's work" next to the drawing of a recycling bin. So apparently, Chell has stolen something from a bin in her father's lab, used it on her potato and actually made a scientific discovery as a kid. Nobody noticed the discovery as nobody ever notices discoveried in Aperture. We don't know what happened then but no one has removed the boards and cleared the room so maybe no one was able to that anymore... and Chell is still in the facility. The other daughters may also have been abducted by Glados to become test subjects.
  • @maxresdefault_
    There's a comic called Lab Rat which details the events between portal 1&2. The player character was actually picked to awaken by someone who wanted to see GLaDOS defeated. She wasn't picked for her brains or her ability to solve puzzles. She was picked for her tenacity; her refusal to give up. That's one of my favourite details from Valve's expanded canon, and it actually kinda supports this theory, which I really like
  • @gen157
    The "This sentence is false" scene, I never noticed the cubes frying themselves. 10+ plays through and it never crossed my mind.
  • @MikeLinPA
    Wheatly was actually competent with a bizarre personality until he was plugged into Glados' body. We was able to rescue Chell, guide her through the abandoned failing facility, rescue her again, sabotage Glados, and get Chell into the escape elevator. Everything went wrong when he was put into Glados' body, and Glados became much better when she wasn't in her body. I think the testing protocol hardwired in was making her insane, not the withdrawal, the hardware itself.
  • @Junebune
    15:51 I think Chell is showing that she can understand him but doesn't want the robots to have the satisfaction of hearing her speak
  • Omg I’ve played this game endlessly and I never noticed the frankencubes get fried from the paradox, that’s genius lol
  • @AlexReynard
    The smartest thing D&D did was recognizing that INT and WIS are two entirely different stats.
  • @derekwall5570
    I always thought that the reason the portal gun was never successful was down to the fact that it doesnt work on most surfaces. All this time they might have been testing ways to make it mire viable until accidentally discovering moon rock properties too late. And even when they did discover moon rock is the solution, its not a great one
  • @BrixVGM
    I feel like it's worth saying that in Portal 1 the test chambers do genuinely seem to be testing the Portal Gun itself. The puzzles not really being tests on the equipment is mostly a portal 2 thing. But in Portal 1 the puzzles in general all introduce new mechanics and showcase new implications of the Portal Device. I've always taken the portal 1 puzzles to be designed so that they like could show potential investors the new movement options the portal gun lets you do- with cubes and pellets representing desirable objects and fizzlers and whatnot representing potential obstacles. Like, its not just "can you get a cube past this fizzler that destroys cubes" but "In this example, an important object is on one side of an impassable area, and usually it would not be possible to get the object through, but with the portal device you could use portals to get around this obstacle anyways" or whatever. Most chambers in portal 1 could to some extent be interpreted in this way. A few of them are just puzzles but most of them at least introduce some new mechanic or application of the device. Additionally, many lines of dialog that are protocol are tests on the subjects themselves, so it seems to be a 2 for 1 deal. In portal 2 this isn't really a thing anymore as the puzzles tend to be actual puzzles instead of like new mechanics being introduced one by one. You can't really interpret a funnel or repulsion gel in the same way you can interpret a cube as something important. But this is explained by the fact that GLaDOS doesn't care about testing anything by that point and just wants to ruin your life. Can't explain the old aperture chambers though. Cave is crazy.